Open Bug 1437086 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

XCUITest Investigate failures when running tests on latest iOS sim 11.2


(Firefox for iOS :: Build & Test, defect, P4)




Tracking Status
fxios + ---


(Reporter: isabel_rios, Unassigned, NeedInfo)




(3 files)

There are a few tests that seems to fail when running on that sim. Some examples seen:
-ReaderView Test 
-TopTab Test

Will add more details of the failures, the logs were lost on BB when branches merged into master. 

It will be good to have all the tests running ok in this sim and maybe changing to this one the BB scheduled builds.
The problem is with the iOS version, not the device itself.

These are the logs with tests failing:

The issues are not reproducible manually both on sims or on real devices.
Summary: XCUITest Investigate failures when running tests on iPad Air Sim → XCUITest Investigate failures when running tests on latest iOS sim 11.2
So far we have seen this issue with iOS 11.2 under two scenarios. 
First one is when running Reader view tests.

1-Go to
2-Tap on Reader view button
3-Check how the content is shown

Please see screenshot attached Reader View issue. On iOS 11.2 when running the tests instead of the content shown it is shown a white screen. It is like the content is not loaded, it is not a timing issue because it is not shown no matter how long you wait for it, it never appears. 
If you follow the same steps to run the test manually, then it is not reproducible and everything works as expected.
So, since the content in reader view is not shown fine, when adding it to the reader list, it is not shown fine either. Please see screenshot attached
Second scenario is when checking the url bar buttons.

1-From HomePanel screen type an url in the url bar
2-Once the webpage is loaded check the back/forward/reload buttons

The back button should be enabled but it is not. This happens on iPad sim only and it can be reproduced both when running the tests automatically and manually.

This is working fine on iOS 11.0 and on real devices with iOS 11.2.5
Attached image Toolbar Test.png
We are wondering whether the Webkit issue is the root cause of this problem (bug:

In theory there will be a fix on iOS 11.3b2. 

So in order to enable the test to run on latest sim, we should disable the failing tests or wait till the fix is available in latest sim version.
Assignee: nobody → jdarcangelo
Priority: -- → P1
See Also: → 1455234
This issue is still happening on iOS 11.3
Priority: P1 → P4

The bug assignee didn't login in Bugzilla in the last 7 months.
:jeevans, could you have a look please?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Assignee: justindarc → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(jeevans)
Severity: normal → S3
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