Open Bug 1399992 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Allow 3rd party password manager for FxA signin on iOS


(Firefox for iOS :: Firefox Accounts, defect)






(Reporter: wbeard, Unassigned)



(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0
Build ID: 20170824053838

Steps to reproduce:

Click "sign into Firefox," looked for option to use Lastpass

Actual results:

Could not find option to use lastpass

Expected results:

As an example, the Pinner app gives me the option to log in with lastpass (see attached image)
(In reply to Chris [:wbeard] (EST) from comment #0)
> Could not find option to use lastpass

Hi Chris! Just to clarify, you don't see the LastPass option when you go to sign in to your Firefox Account, right?
Component: Sync → Firefox Accounts
Flags: needinfo?(wcbeard10)
Attached image sync login screenshot
Flags: needinfo?(wcbeard10)
Yes, I think so (assuming Firefox Account == Firefox Sync?), I've attached the screenshot of what I mean.
Adding some FxA folks and editing bug title for easy scanning.

FWIW I have no objection to this in principle, but I also have no idea what's necessary from the iOS platform side.  It might be complicated by the fact that the signin page is web content rather than a native UI.
Summary: Allow 3rd party password manager for sync → Allow 3rd party password manager for FxA signin on iOS
Severity: normal → S3
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