Open Bug 1312005 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Bookmark items without explicit titles getting changed to random titles from History


(Firefox for iOS :: Data Storage, defect)





(Reporter: maurya1985, Unassigned)


(Keywords: steps-wanted)


(3 files)

Attached image screenshot1.jpg
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0
Build ID: 20160922113459

Steps to reproduce:

It's some unique sequence of steps that causes this bug, so I can't list the exact steps to reproduce. However, I can describe the bug.

1. I visited the website: (screenshot 1)
2. 1 or 2 days later, after some occasional activity, I visited and bookmarked the Firefox Mobile Vidyo Room website ( As far as I can remember, the bookmark title for this item was its URL.

Actual results:

1 or 2 days later, I noticed that the Bookmark title for the Vidyo Room link is "Fantasy In Indigo Decorative Tray, Small" (screenshot 2)

When I tap the bookmark item, it still takes me to the Vidyo Room website though. (screenshot 3)

Expected results:

The bookmarked item's title should have been its URL ( because it doesn't have an explicit title. It shouldn't be a random history item's title.
Attached image screenshot2.jpg
Attached image screenshot3.jpg
Did you have both pages open in separate tabs when you bookmarked the second item?

If so, spidey sense tells me that this might be related to Bug 1205975.

If not, is the wrong title always consistent, or does it change?
Hardware: Other → All
The wrong title so far has been consistently wrong. Don't recollect if I had both pages open in separate tabs when I bookmarked the second item.
Oh, if you meant whether the title is consistently the same incorrect title (in my case: Fantasy In Indigo Decorative Tray, Small). The yes, it's always been this title.
Keywords: steps-wanted
Severity: normal → S3
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