Open Bug 1223058 Opened 9 years ago Updated 26 days ago

[meta] CSS variables support


(DevTools :: Inspector, task, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: tromey, Unassigned)


(Depends on 14 open bugs)


(Keywords: DevAdvocacy, meta, Whiteboard: [DevRel:P3])

Meta-bug for CSS variables support in the inspector.
Depends on: 1258494
Tom, can you remember if there were other css variables related bugs filed in the past and make them block this one?
Severity: normal → enhancement
Flags: needinfo?(ttromey)
I tried to dig up all the related bugs when I made this metabug.
Flags: needinfo?(ttromey)
Depends on: 1278517
Tagging as something DevRel is interested in advocating for. And dropping this link — just one idea that could be translated to Dev Tools.
Keywords: DevAdvocacy
Whiteboard: [DevRel:P3]
Summary: [meta] CSS variable support → [meta] CSS variables support
Inspector bug triage (filter on CLIMBING SHOES).
Priority: -- → P3
Depends on: 1400046
Depends on: 1402232
Depends on: 1413310
Depends on: 1423701
Depends on: 1422635
Depends on: 1433939
Depends on: 1431949
Depends on: 1444772
Depends on: 1446579
Depends on: 1451211
Depends on: 1456167
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Depends on: 1488258
No longer blocks: 1501636
Depends on: 1501636
Severity: normal → S3
Depends on: 1851002
Depends on: 1853635
Depends on: 1863318
Depends on: 1718894
Type: enhancement → task
No longer blocks: 1900064
Depends on: 1900064
Depends on: 1836396
Depends on: 1626234
Depends on: 1904013
Depends on: 1904016
Depends on: 1904285
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