Open Bug 1147453 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

need an indication saying an article has been added to my list when I long-press the Reader View icon in the URL bar


(Firefox for iOS :: Reader View, defect)

iOS 8




(Reporter: krudnitski, Unassigned)



(1 file)

(may be 2 bugs / issues in 1)

I go to, go to an article, tap on the Reader View icon, then tap on the 'add to reading list' icon. I don't get any visual indication that the article has been added, so I tapped it two more times.

Then I realized it's the same 'problem' on Android, so I got into the Reading List and the same article has been added 3 times.

1. need an indication the article was added to the Reading List so I know my action successfully completed
2. shouldn't be able to add the same article repeatedly (or at least within a short period of time) since that would not be the user's intention
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
On Android, that icon (Book with a +) should switch to a Trash Can. Then, it should be followed by a toast. Does it not do that for you Karen? 

Depending on how you're adding this to the List (from the menu or from Reader View controls), I think this might already be a known bug.
How long has the 'pop up' at the bottom been in Android (after I long-tap the Reader View icon in the URL bar)? I had no idea that was there until I started looking for it - is it possible to move that notification below the URL bar since that's where my eyes are focused? I totally missed it - and maybe it's also become the article I was adding had some dark images at the bottom of the page so I just don't see it.

Having that kind of notification when I long tap the icon in the URL for iOS would also be vital - I presume that's coming (and that would resolve this bug).

Changing the summary line to reflect that this is down to the long tap action.
Summary: need an indication saying an article has been added to my list → need an indication saying an article has been added to my list when I long-press the Reader View icon in the URL bar
We don't support long press here on iOS yet, but this bug will be to track the indicator. We'll file a separate bug to support long press.

Assigning to UX to get some icons/design.
Assignee: nobody → dhenein
tracking-fennec: ? → +
Assignee: dhenein → randersen
Attached video
With the latest updates to Reader View, it is much more obvious that an action has occurred.

Now, when you tap the "Add to Reading List" icon, it will turn into a trash can, and the inactive indication dot with highlight. See attached movie for example.
Assignee: randersen → nobody
tracking-fennec: + → ---
Severity: normal → S3
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