Open Bug 1134757 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Use accessibilityIdentifier when accessibilityLabel isn't user-friendly


(Firefox for iOS :: Build & Test, defect)

iOS 8




(Reporter: bnicholson, Unassigned)


The comment in [1] brought to our attention the fact iOS provides support for an accessibility identifier that is intended exclusively for unit tests. These identifiers are internal, non-user-facing IDs that can live alongside accessibility labels. For the reasons described at [2], which I agree with, we should prefer labels over identifiers when possible.

One place we may want to use an identifier over the label is the URL bar. Typically, the labels for text fields are the text field contents themselves; however, we set the URL bar label to "Address and Search" to make it easy to grab in KIF tests. That hurts accessibility since the user can't use VoiceOver to get the actual contents of the field.

Severity: normal → S3
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