Are VPNs Legal in Your Country?

Written by Jack, a Real Ass | August 24, 2018

There’s a lot about you humans I don’t understand, and government is at the top of that list. We donkeys got it figured out: we eat, we sleep, we kick people in the face… we don’t need a president or a parlament telling us what to do and how to do it. But since I guess your species can’t be as enlightened, it’s up to your old pal Jack to at least help you get around the more annoying parts of your dystopian societies: surveillance and censorship.

Obviously, a VPN will help with all that, but here’s the catch: some countries are less fond of that technology than others. For example, some governments restrict access to any website that contradicts their ideology, while companies, such as video streaming services, like Netflix, Amazon Prime or BBC iPlayer, serve up different content for different regions and enforce other local restrictions. Other countries take the less crap approach of supporting free and open internet, but sadly that list seems to grow smaller by the day.

But in any case, below I’ve listed twelve popular countries, their attitudes towards the net, and why you might want a VPN there. Spoiler alert: VPN’s will be “legal” in all of them, because HMA! is a law-abiding company and we don’t want anyone rotting in jail because of some bad advice from a cartoon donkey. But in some countries, VPNs are “less” legal, and in those cases I’ll try to help you skirt around the risky bits.


VPNs in China

Why you’ll need a VPN

Y’know the whole Communist Party of China internet censorship thing? If you don’t, you need to spend some time on Wikipedia, and if you do, then this should be pretty obvious: China has some of the most expansive and advanced country-wide Firewalls in the world (“the Great Firewall of China”) and it’s used liberally to block anything that the CPC thinks will hurt their economy or their feelings. And these guys have some pretty thin skin, lemmie tell ya.

Case in point, Deng Xiaoping, China’s former premier, said "If you open the window for fresh air, some flies will be blown in." And in this case the “flies” are Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, SoundCloud, Slack, and other websites where people can share radical, anti-communist things like “ideas” and “opinions”. Obviously I ain’t a fan of these privacy-sapping websites myself, but I hate internet censorship and people not having a platform for their voices even more. We can’t all blog for HMA!, after all.

But in summation: if you want to continue having a social life outside china, a VPN is pretty much a must.

Is it legal to use a VPN in China?

Maybe? Obviously the Chinese government isn’t a fan of them but they haven’t made them illegal per say. Rather, it seems they’re trying to just make them completely worthless on a systemic level.

Starting in 2012, China tried to crack down on VPN use the ol’ fashioned way by blocking individual service providers. But the thing about “flies” is that crushing them one at a time is a pretty ineffective tactic when they’re all over the house, and new providers would just pop up to replace the old ones.

Recently, thought, the government changed tactics. In early 2018, the government enacted a “clean-up” of the nation’s internet connections, and VPN providers were required to gain approval from the Chinese government. As you can imagine, getting approval will amount to basically submitting to whatever CPC wants, which will defeat the purpose of having a VPN in the first place. Kind of like building a door out of saran wrap.

Some cities, like Chongqing, have just done the straight-up banning thing. There are fines up to 15,000 yuan ($2,210) against individuals and organisations for establishing or using channels to connect to international networks. Not VPNs specifically, but if there’s any other product that does that job, the police haven’t seemed to notice.

All the same. Many people use VPNs in the country without issue. That could be for a range of reasons, from apathy to simple logistics (policing 1.3 billion people means some are going to slip through the cracks), but for your sake, I wouldn’t take it for granted that you’ll get away scot-free. Ask the locals, figure out if you’ll face a slap on the wrist or a serious fine, and be comfortable with the fact that you might lose your VPN forever at a moment’s notice with no explanation. Like a loved one.

That’s life. Deal with it.

VPNs in the USA

Why you’ll need a VPN

Land of the free and home of the brave my ass. While the Fourth Amendment supposedly prevents unreasonable searches and seizures, just about everyone accepts the fact that’s just not true anymore given the US government operates a system of mass surveillance. The House of Representatives recently voted to extend the NSA’s (National Security Agency) warrantless surveillance of foreigners abroad for another six years. The fact that no one seems to care anymore is indicative of the fact your species is doomed.

Not surprisingly, VPNs are popular because they allow you to protect your data from the eyes of the NSA. But hey, there are other reasons why it might be useful: maybe you want to keep data from your ISP out of spite. Maybe you wanna use public WiFi without risking destroying your life. Maybe you just really like browsing through a server in Morocco.

All good reasons.

Is it legal to use a VPN in the USA?

Yep. And they’re easy to find online and on app stores, too. But some providers are a little too cozy with ol’ Uncle Sam, so make sure you read your reviews and do your research before you commit to a 5-year contract with Spies R’ Us.

That joke would have been funnier 10 years ago.

VPNs in the UK

Why you’ll need a VPN

In 1984, Orwell imagines a future Britain where there are cameras in every tree, leaf, and blade of grass. Modern London isn’t there yet, but it's trying really, really hard. And in the process, it's become the largest surveillance state in the world. Congratulations. I guess.

As far as online privacy is concerned, in late 2016, the Investigatory Powers Act — or Snoopers’ Charter — was passed despite everyone agreeing it was a bad idea. The act forces web and phone companies to store everyone’s web browsing histories for 12 months, which should be bad for some very obvious, troubling reasons. In January 2018, a court judgement finally saw the obvious flashing warning lights and ruled aspects of recent legislation unlawful because of the lack of safeguards, which is swell and all but no one knows how it’s supposed to help keep you private.

Anyway. The VPN situation is a bit weird there. Some VPNs will be required to adhere to the UK’s laws, which means they’re only good for security against hackers and getting around geo-blocks. Others can ignore it completely, but since the UK gets so much data from you from other sources it’s kinda moot anyway.

Is it legal to use a VPN in the UK?


VPNs in the United Arab Emirates

Why you’ll need a VPN

The UAE government is kind of at war with Voice over Internet Protocol services (VoIP) like Skype and Apple's FaceTime. So if you have friends who want to see your face, you’ll probably want a VPN to get around the many bans and blocks they have on those services.

If you’re anything like me, you won’t really have that issue.

VPNs are also popular because the UAE isn’t exactly the Hollywood of the east. But with a VPN and an American or a European subscription, you can watch any of the stuff you’d normally never get to see, be you an annoying tourist or an oppressed local. Assuming the service itself doesn’t block VPN use.

Is it legal to use a VPN in the UAE?

Like a donkey interrupting a tractor pull, it’s a muddy issue. The state-backed telecom company “du” and the huge multinational Etisalat have licensed VPN applications that individuals can use. In the past, citizens have also been able to get away with using unlicensed VPN providers, as long as they weren’t doing anything illegal.

And you really shouldn’t be committing cybercrime there anyway: UAE Cybercrime Law No 5 of 2012 includes punishments up to a life sentence and fines varying from Dh50,000 ($13,600) to Dh3 million ($817,000) for illegal online activity. Which means you criminal masterminds should consider less risky illegal deeds, like smoking an electric cigarette or, you know, displaying affection in public.

Using a VPN is a pretty safe bet in the UAE, but it’s still a gamble. And the consequences for losing are probably worse than being a week behind everyone else on your favorite TV show. So consider your priorities before you give it a go.

VPNs in Japan

Why you’ll need a VPN

Like a lot of first-world countries, Japan has free access to the net and all the weird stuff on it, so you’re pretty safe on the censorship front. Which is good, because Japan is pretty much the mecca of weird stuff.

The surveillance front, on the other hand, suffered a bit of a blow last year, when the country passed a new mass surveillance law which lets em’ spy on people planning to commit crime. Which is all well and good for murder and stuff, but the law also lets the government target the real villains of society: the people copying music, protesting against construction, or mushroom picking in conservation forests.

The government has promised not to use the law unfairly, but if you’re one of those monsters who wants to pick mushrooms, you’ll want a VPN to keep your diabolical plans secret.

And of course, there’s the old geoblock thing.

Is it legal to use a VPN in Japan?

Yes, and with no real complications.

I know, I’m surprised too.

VPNs in India

Why you’ll need a VPN

India bans two types of websites: movie piracy sites, and porn. So your two main sources of bathroom fun are blocked from the word go, which is a damn shame.

And they’re serious about these bans, having blocked over 850 websites, including Vimeo, Weebly and Github, over fears that they might contain pornographic content. A bit of an overreaction, so in a lot of ways they’re like my editors. They (India, not my editors) are also keen to ban file-sharing sites that are popular with the fans of Bollywood movies. In fact, in 2016 the Indian government even proposed jailing and fining users for visiting banned websites.

As a result, India has been labelled an “enemy of the internet” by Reporters Without Borders since 2014, who noted, “Since the Mumbai bombings of 2008, the Indian authorities have stepped up Internet surveillance and pressure on technical service providers.��

Although the government will sell censorship as a tool for security (we all know how many lives porn has taken, #neverforget), they’re clearly talking out of their ass. A VPN service guarantees your continued access to online content, whatever they happen to think about it.

Is it legal to use a VPN in India?

Yes, but if you actually use it as intended you might get in trouble. In the past, those landing on a blocked site have been faced with this message:

"Viewing, downloading, exhibiting or duplicating an illicit copy of the contents under this URL is punishable as an offence under the laws of India, including but not limited to under Sections 63, 63-A, 65 and 65-A of the Copyright Act, 1957 which prescribe imprisonment for 3 years and also fine of up to Rs. 3,00,000."

As Pavan Duggal, one of India’s top cyberlaw experts puts it: “Nothing in the world is completely safe as there is nothing called absolute security. However, VPNs promise far better security thanks to their high-end, top-of-the-line encryption”. So while you can enjoy all those uninhibitedly sexy videos on Vimeo, I wouldn't suggest you brag about it on Twitter, for a lot of reasons, really.

VPNs in Canada

Why you’ll need a VPN

Canada is pretty damn good when it comes to promoting a free and open internet. There only real content filtering comes from things like Project Cleanfeed Canada, which blocks child porn websites, and if you have a problem with that you should seek help. Immediately.

In any case, that openness means the only thing you really need a VPN for is security on open networks and, of course, watching content from other countries. Which is still important, because personally I found Canadian TV to be kind of… “eh”.

Is it legal to use a VPN in Canada?

Yep. With no real problems to boot. A few people have raised a fuss trying to ban VPNs to “protect intellectual property” or “deter terrorists”, but those people are crazy and have been dismissed as such. So it’s all good.

VPNs in France

Why you’ll need a VPN

France has been the target of more than its fair share of terrorist attacks as of late, which have led the French government to step up its active monitoring of the internet and its citizens. “State of fear”, and all that. Folks are becoming reasonably concerned that these laws are being used to increase state censorship, with the number of blocked websites more than doubling between 2015 and 2016 from 1,200 to 2,700. And unsurprisingly, that number’s been crawling up since.

And just earlier this year, President Macron announced plans to introduce new legislation that strictly regulates fake news sources during political campaigns. His proposed “emergency legal action” might allow the government to pull “fake news” from a site, or even block the website altogether.

Which can be a pretty big problem, if the guys who make the news get to decide if it’s fake or not.

VPN use should be pretty self-explanatory in this case. As more things get blocked, more people are going to wanna see it. Especially if all this state censorship goes the way it always does.

Is it legal to use a VPN in France?

Surprisingly, yeah. It’s still easy and painless to get a VPN over there, which you can use to get around all this censorship business. Vive la VPN.

VPNs in Indonesia

Why you’ll need a VPN

If you thought France’s 2,700 blocked sites was a lot, Indonesia’s gonna blow your mind: those bad boys have blocked 800,000 websites, including Vimeo, Netflix and 766,633 sites related to pornography (otherwise known as 0.003% of the internet’s porn. For real.) And although the porn blocking is the most fun to talk about, independent researchers did a bit of digging and found that there’s a hefty amount of normal censorship as well, including blocking sites that express political criticism, discuss LGBT issues, or even just talk about sex in a frank, non-sexy way.

See, officials get to regulate any content “in the public interest”, and while you’d be hard pressed to find someone who thinks child porn and hate speech is great, blocking all conversations about them — and lesser crimes like fraud, drugs, and… gambling(?) — is a step too far. And since there’s no democratic oversight, if you have any problems with it, you can go ahead and file a complaint with their complaint department, which, as luck would have it, is blocked.

Oh, and also, if you’re not one of the six recognized religions you can take your holy book/flying spaghetti monster and choke on it. Apparently.

And for you censorship fanatics, the government just installed a $15.6m system which will enable them to ban websites faster and more effectively than ever before. What an exciting time to be alive!

Is it legal to use a VPN in Indonesia?

Well that’s the interesting bit. Surprisingly, the answer is yes: and in fact, around 40% of its population of 260 million people uses a VPN, making it the most VPN-friendly country in the globe. I guess people really like browsing one-handed (and having free speech and stuff).

So yeah, you’re safe. In fact, most Indonesians cite “overcoming governmental restrictions” as their primary reason for using a VPN, so either the government is really bad at reading polls, or they don’t understand what a VPN actually does. In either case… nobody tell them, alright?

VPNs in the Philippines

Why you’ll need a VPN

The Philippines constitution protects freedom of speech and the press, and the government broadly upholds these rights. So while you can get gunned down for having a joint in your pocket, at least you can livestream your street execution on Twitch.

But since nothing’s perfect, as in Indonesia, there are problems with porn. On January 14, 2017, Pornhub and XVideos were blocked in the Philippines. Severe warnings have also been issued about posting offensive content on social media, especially where it harms the image of the country and the government.

This was all preempted during the 2016 national elections, when police warned that spreading “destructive” memes about candidates might be grounds for criminal charges. So while things are free now, it’s not unfair to predict they won’t stay that way.

Man, this article is not good for my depression.

Is it legal to use a VPN in the Philippines?

Yep, for now. But you might want to grab one while they’re still legal.

VPNs in Saudi Arabia

Why you’ll need a VPN

Indonesia has the record for most websites blocked (for the purposes of this article), but Saudi authorities have a strong second with 400,000 websites. But they made up the difference by also blocking VoIP services like Skype and WhatsApp, because why settle for just censorship when you can also overcharge people with family-owned telecommunication companies?

Good news, the Saudi government lifted that ban recently, but they’re still deeply invested in stalking their citizens online. In addition, Saudi Arabia redirects all international traffic through the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), to filter out “inappropriate” content. Three guesses what that is, and no, it’s not donkey care websites.

But let’s say you’re fine with having no porn as long as you have free press: bad news. Reporters Without Borders has described our Saudi pals as "relentless in its censorship of the Saudi media and the Internet", ranking Saudi Arabia 164th out of 180 countries for freedom of the press.

Which, to their credit, means there are 16 countries worse than them. So it’s still a crap sandwich but at least there’s a little table salt for flavor.

Is it legal to use a VPN in Saudi Arabia?

In another surprising reveal, yep. But if it’s discovered you’re using the VPN to break the law, the punishment will be a bit more than a slap on the wrist. So you might want to keep your flashing “I <3 circumventing free speech restrictions” t-shirt at home.

VPNs in Turkey

Why you’ll need a VPN

Like the birds they’re probably named after, Turkey isn’t exactly tech-friendly: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has even publicly expressed his dislike for social media. So it shouldn’t be surprising they force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to use keywords to blacklist websites that are considered unfavorable to the government — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp and Tor have all found themselves blocked in the past.

Even before the military coup in 2016, Erdogan had vowed to "wipe out Twitter”. In the aftermath, the situation has only worsened, with many internet users imprisoned for expressing their political views online. Talk about a Tweet war.

And from April 29, 2017, authorities blocked all access to Wikipedia sites without issuing a particular reason, though the Turkish government stated that Wikipedia should refrain from “negative propaganda”. Which, if you’re keeping track, is what authoritative regimes call the truth.

Freedom of expression and thought is quickly becoming a Unicorn over in Turkey, which makes VPNs the virginal maidens who can offer citizens a way to engage honestly with the world and their own political situation.

Is it legal to use a VPN in Turkey?

It’s about as complicated as figuring out my ancestry. The Turkish authorities have shut down some VPNs, but others are still up-and-running and are used by citizens and expats with no issue. There’s no promise that’ll stay the case, but for now, that means talking to the locals and figuring out which one works best.

And be aware that if you do decide to post politically dissenting opinions online, you’ll still be drawing a target on your back. But I’d also make you a certified badass. Just saying.

Protect your browsing, wherever you are

Now you know why and whether you should be using a VPN at home or abroad, be sure to try out the greatest VPN service on the planet — HMA! At least until you people figure out how to live in pastures and not kill each other over stupid crap. Select the best VPN server location based on your needs.