Home Access How to unblock websites with (or without) a VPN

It’s Friday night. Mom’s off playing bingo. You’ve got the house to yourself, you’ve got your fritos and lotion, and you’re ready to party. But you can’t, because all the good “nature documentaries” are geo-blocked.

Now it’s Monday morning. You’re back at work and you want to ask your Facebook friends if anyone’s heard from your mom since Friday. But you can’t, because your employer has blocked every site that brings you joy and stops you from screaming into a chair cushion.

Now it’s the future. President Pence has made fun illegal, your mom’s fled to Canada, and you’d like to find some respite from the gaping hole where your soul used to be by going online to look at more “nature documentaries”. But you can’t, because the guvment won’t let ya.

Hi, I’m Jack. I’m a donkey. I know how to unblock sites and bypass work and school internet filters with and without a VPN. I’ll hook you up. Bring back that lotion.

Unblock my site

Let me be clear. The easiest way to unblock blocked websites is with a VPN. You could just stop reading right now, get a VPN, and save me a crapload of typing and explaining, but we both know you just love to overcomplicate the lives of everyone around you, which is partly why your mom fled to Canada. So we’ll get to those other, lesser ways to unblock sites in a minute. But first, VPN.

What’s a VPN?

A VPN is an app that lets you fool the internet into believing you’re browsing from the country of your choice. It also hides your IP address and encrypts all you do online, making you invisible and untraceable. Which you need, am I right? (Don’t answer; your guilty conscience is shouting louder than a misguided teen at Coachella).

Learn more about what's a VPN.



How does a VPN work?

When your VPN is on, the sites you visit, your online searches, your downloads… all of it is covered under a layer of encryption thicker than my superstar haunches (I work out) and hidden from your employer, your school, your internet provider, the government — even us.

And because you can pick and change your virtual ‘country’ whenever you want, you can jump over geoblocks and finally binge on that German children’s show starring a depressive loaf of bread. Schließlich!

How to download and use a VPN

Download and install this breathtaking piece of technology (if you’re smart enough to appreciate it), click or tap on it, pick a country, and you’re set. If you get tripped somewhere along the way, here are some FAQs.


Why are some websites blocked?

Because you touch yourself at night. Also:

Geolocation or geo-blocking

Due to complicated licensing deals, not all services, music, movies, TV shows, etc. are available in every country. That’s why you couldn’t access half of YouTube when you went to Mexico and had to spend your entire spring break watching El Chavo del Ocho from a hostel in Tijuana.

Government-blocked sites

Sure, you don’t think government censorship online is a big deal for you right now — but wait until the economy tanks and you end up cleaning toilets in Guangzhou to pay off your student loans.

School and work internet filters

Don’t you just hate it when you’re at Harvard refrigerator college, and the school Wi-Fi has a bunch of sites blocked? Isn’t it awful when you get to the office and can’t tweet RuPaul’s Drag Race memes to your congressman? Don’t you just seethe with impotent rage? Do you want to unblock school Wi-Fi and websites at work, you renegade maverick, you?

Public Wi-Fi blocks and filters

Plenty of free Wi-Fi hotspots at stores, cafes, airports, etc. don’t let you open dating apps, sites with lady-nipples, video streaming, or other online content that makes life worth living, like that site where you discovered Uncle Kevin hadn’t gone to the glue factory at all, he’d just had an … ahem … makeover.

Unblocking sites with a VPN: pros and cons

Hooves up

If you want to unblock all kinds of sites, a VPN is your best bet. Geo-restricted sites, keyword filters, blocked IP addresses… a VPN unblocks more crap than Metamucil.

A good VPN works on mobile as well as desktop, so you can use one to unblock websites on your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or whatever wrong piece of electronics your grandparents got you for your birthday.

And then there’s the encryption. VPNs encrypt all your web traffic, so they keep you safe and anonymous while you browse.


Hooves down

There’s an army of crap VPNs out there. Pick the wrong one, and you’ll be stuck with an internet speed so slow, it will take you two hours to watch 60 Minutes.

Some VPNs also collect and store lots of info about your online activities, defeating the entire privacy point of getting one.

Choosing the wrong VPN is like Faye Dunaway adopting the wrong baby in Mommie Dearest: it can really hold you back in life and sell your secrets to the tabloids. So, whether you’re choosing a VPN or adopting a baby, always pick the hairy one with the big ears.

Unblocking websites without a VPN

There are some ways of unblocking websites without resorting to a VPN, each of them more problematic than a middle-aged man with dreadlocks.

So, if you’re the sort of person who goes to a Nickelback concert because the Stones are sold out, and you enjoy sticking your moist fingers inside electric sockets because you need to learn lessons the hard way, try these.

Rewrite the URL

Change http:// to https:// and see if the page loads. It works once in a blue moon. You can also generate a short link with Google URL shortener or Bitly, then paste it in your browser. It works once in a mauve moon. It won’t keep you private, and you’ll feel like an ass doing it — but you do you.

Change your IP address

Follow this guide to manually change your IP address on Windows or Mac. It’s not easy, and it’s not risk-free: your internet might stop working altogether if you mess up. But what could possibly go wrong, Miss Butterfingers?

Or try proxy servers. These let you browse with a different IP address. Find a reliable proxy server and enter the name of the website you want to visit. Sounds perfect, if you ignore all the obvious security flaws of trusting a stranger’s server with your computer and data, so invest in some industrial-strength antivirus, and don���t come crying to me when your entire browsing history ends up on Reddit.

Or try a plug-in. Uh, you got really excited there for a minute, didn't you? Settle down, it’s a browser extension. Like babysitters, most of them are terrible and unworthy of your trust, and should only be unleashed on your least favorite child.


Change your DNS Server

DNS servers translate IP addresses into words you humans can understand and remember (like hidemyass.com). They’re also used by your ISP to block websites, track your activity, keep records of what you’ve been doing online, and even sell this data to other cuddly companies that only want what’s best for you.

Follow this guide to manually change your IP address on Windows or Mac. Seeing as you humans have enormous trouble opening milk cartons, I can only wish you luck.

More increasingly hysterical and desperate ways to get around content blocks

  • Use Tor (The Onion Router) — it’s not just for pedophiles anymore. This browser allows you to surf the web anonymously, through a network of servers operated by volunteers. If nobody knows who you are and where you’re from, no one can restrict you. It’s also so slow you’ll vomit.
  • Translate the page — copy the address into Google Translate or Bing Translator and see if it comes up. You’re now officially embarrassing your country.
  • Use the Internet archive — Wayback Machine stores copies of both past and current versions of nearly every website, so they may have that blocked article about the Spice Girls you’re so desperate to read.

Accessing blocked websites on a mobile (because you’ll have to get off your chair someday)

Unblocking websites on Android or iOS isn’t all that different from what you’d do on a computer — yet different enough that you can’t possibly handle the task without a dedicated section and a participation trophy. So here it goes.

  • Get a mobile VPN — If you’re using HMA! you don’t even have to buy a separate VPN for Android and iOS. Our VPN works on all your devices, and you can run up to five connections at the same time.
  • Change your IP address — Overcomplicate your life! On Android, go to your Wi-Fi settings, tap the network you’re connected to and hold it until you see the option to modify your settings. Then check the box next to “Show advanced options” to view your current IP address, make sure it’s set to “Static”, and then change it as you please. On iOS, go to Settings>Wi-Fi and tap on your network. Scroll down to find “Configure IP” in your settings, change that to “Manual” and enter your desired IP.
  • Use Tor — Get it for iOS or Android. There are a few cheap knock-offs out there, so make sure your apps are legit before you install them.
  • Get a proxy app — Apps like Autoproxy or Orbot: Proxy with Tor encrypt your connection and help you access blocked websites through a web of servers, without giving away your real IP address. Sort of like a VPN but worse, without any of the security and privacy features. The sort of thing your grandma would get you, if you asked her to buy you a VPN. Bless.

So what’s the best option for you?

A VPN really is the easiest, smartest and safest way to unblock websites and get around online censorship. It does that and a lot more, so there’s really no contest: a reliable, trustworthy VPN blows all other site-unblocking options out of the park.

Having said that, I’ve given you a number of other options you can try for yourself. See if there’s anything among them that does the trick for you without inflicting catastrophic damage on your settings. I’d shrug, but I’m a donkey. Have you ever seen a donkey shrug?

Not our best look.