Against Innovation Tokens

Wednesday July 03, 2024

The “innovation token” model for selecting technologies is bad, and here’s why.

A Grand Unified Theory of the AI Hype Cycle

Wednesday May 22, 2024

I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot repeat history exactly. However, I can rhyme with it.

How To PyCon

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Since I am headed to PyCon tomorrow, let’s talk about conference tips.


Tuesday May 07, 2024

Your words are doing something. Do you know what that something is?

Software Needs To Be More Expensive

Saturday March 30, 2024

Software, like coffee, is too artificially cheap, and we need to make it more expensive. I have one suggestion for how to do that.

The Hat

Friday March 29, 2024

If you want me to keep doing… whatever this is… now’s the time to support it!

DBXS 0.1.0

Friday March 29, 2024

Today there is a new release of my database access and query organizer library with support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and asyncio.

Let Me Tell You A Secret

Monday February 05, 2024

In which I provide you with hundreds of dollars worth of software consulting, for free, in a single blog post.

The Macintosh

Wednesday January 24, 2024

Today is its 40th anniversary, but what is the Macintosh?

Unsigned Commits

Wednesday January 24, 2024

I’m not going to cryptographically sign my git commits, and you shouldn’t either.

Your Text Editor (Probably) Isn’t Malware Any More

Monday January 22, 2024

Updating a post from 2015, I briefly discuss the modern editor-module threat landscape.

Okay, I’m A Centrist I Guess

Monday January 22, 2024

Market simulator video game mechanics reveal the core of human soul.

Annotated At Runtime

Thursday December 07, 2023

PEP 593 is a bit vague on how you’re supposed to actually consume arguments to Annotated; here is my proposal.

Safer, Not Later

Wednesday December 06, 2023

How “Move Fast and Break Things” ruined the world by escaping the context that it was intended for.

iOS Mail To Omnifocus Task

Wednesday November 08, 2023

Convert messages in the Mail app built in to iOS into tasks in OmniFocus.

Get Your Mac Python From

Tuesday August 29, 2023

There are many ways to get Python installed on macOS, but for most people the version that you download from is best.


Thursday July 20, 2023

Not sure how to do microservices? Split your monolith in half.

Post-PyCon-US 2023 Notes

Sunday April 30, 2023

Some stream of consciousness post-conference notes.

No Executable Is An Island

Thursday March 30, 2023

Single-file executables are neither necessary nor sufficient to provide a good end-user software installation experience. They don’t work at all on macOS today, but they don't really work great anywhere else either. The focus of Python packaging tool development ought to be elsewhere.

A Response to Jacob Kaplan-Moss’s “Incompetent But Nice”

Wednesday March 29, 2023

What can managers do about employees who are easy to work with, and are trying their best, but can’t seem to get the job done?

Telemetry Is Not Your Enemy

Sunday March 26, 2023

Not all data collection is the same, and not all of it is bad.

What Would You Say You Do Here?

Friday March 24, 2023

A brief description of the various projects that I am hoping to do independently, with your support. In other words, this is an ad, for me.

Building And Distributing A macOS Application Written in Python

Saturday March 18, 2023

Even with all the great tools we have, getting a macOS application written in Python all the way to a production-ready build suitable for end users can involve a lot of esoteric trivia.

Data Classification

Monday February 13, 2023

Does Python still have a need for class without @dataclass?

A Very Silly Program

Sunday January 22, 2023

This program will not work on your computer.

Potato Programming

Monday December 12, 2022

One potato, two potato, three potato, four…

Super Swing Districts

Wednesday October 26, 2022

Donate now to save democracy. Please. I like democracy.

Dates And Times And Types

Monday June 06, 2022

Get a TypeError when using a datetime when you wanted a date.

Leave The Frog For Last

Thursday May 12, 2022

Neurotypical advice for ADHD is not always great.

Inbox Zero, Cost: Zero

Monday May 02, 2022

Updated guidance for getting out of an email overwhelm trap, with practical, concrete, free examples.

You Should Compile Your Python And Here’s Why

Thursday April 28, 2022

write Python that’s faster than C by optimizing your code, adding standard type annotations, and using Mypyc.

Legitimizing Blockchain

Thursday February 24, 2022

Why is advertising blockchain something we should try to stop, rather than ignore?

A Better Pygame Mainloop

Saturday February 05, 2022

Fix your mainloop for smoother gameplay that takes less battery power.

No More Stories

Thursday December 16, 2021

Journalists need to stop writing “stories” and start monitoring empirical consensus.


Tuesday December 14, 2021

Insecure states should be unrepresentable.


Tuesday August 31, 2021

I’ve got 999 problems.

Announcing Pomodouroboros

Sunday August 22, 2021

I wrote my own pomodoro timer which is also a meditation on mortality.


Sunday August 22, 2021

I got diagnosed for ADHD, and you won’t believe what happened next. At least, I didn’t.

A Tired Raccoon’s Containerization Manifesto

Thursday June 10, 2021

Just Do The Containering


Monday May 31, 2021

I'm taking a break from Twitter until at least July 1, 2021.

Interfaces and Protocols

Monday March 15, 2021

Comparing zope.interface and typing.Protocol.


Sunday November 29, 2020

The solution to bad questions is to ask better questions, not to ask no questions.

Nice Animations with Twisted and PyGame

Sunday August 23, 2020

Flicker-free, time-accurate animation and movement using LoopingCall.

Never Run ‘python’ In Your Downloads Folder

Saturday August 22, 2020

Python can execute code. Make sure it executes only the code you want it to.


Sunday August 02, 2020

Squinting harder never cured my ADHD.

I Want A New Duck

Tuesday July 21, 2020

typing.Protocol and the future of duck typing

Zen Guardian

Sunday July 05, 2020

Let’s rewrite a fun toy Python program - in Python!

Modularity for Maintenance

Sunday February 16, 2020

Never send a human to do a machine’s job.

Mac Python Distribution Post Updated for Catalina and Notarization

Sunday October 13, 2019

Notarize your Python apps for macOS Catalina.

The Numbers, They Lie

Sunday October 06, 2019

when 2 + 2 = 4.00000000000000000001

A Few Bad Apples

Saturday October 05, 2019

incessantly advertise the bunch.

Toward a “Kernel Python”

Thursday June 13, 2019

The life changing magic of a minimal standard library.

Tips And Tricks for Shipping a PyGame App on the Mac

Sunday January 07, 2018

A quick and dirty guide to getting that little PyGame hack you did up and running on someone else’s Mac.

Careful With That PyPI

Sunday October 22, 2017

PyPI credentials are important. Here are some tips for securing them a little better.

Photo Flow

Friday September 22, 2017

How do you edit and share photos when more than one person is involved?

Beyond ThunderDock

Tuesday July 18, 2017

I Plugged Some Stuff Into A Thunderbolt Dock. You Won’t Believe what Happens Next

The Sororicide Antipattern

Wednesday May 31, 2017

Don’t murder your parents or your siblings to get their attributes.

So You Want To Web A Twisted

Tuesday April 18, 2017

I’m live-streaming a webinar on Twisted service architecture.

Make Time For Hope

Thursday February 09, 2017

Sourceforge Update

Sunday December 18, 2016

Authenticate downloaded binaries from sourceforge a little more.

Don’t Stop Tweeting On My Account

Wednesday December 14, 2016

Context is everything; while some ideas can be whispered, others deserve a shout.

A Blowhard At Large

Tuesday December 13, 2016

Pre-chewing thoughts into a hundred bite-sized morsels for someone is just about as appetizing as doing the same thing with food.

What are we afraid of?

Friday November 11, 2016

People are good, I hope.

What Am Container

Thursday October 27, 2016

Containers are a tool in the fight against evil.

docker run glyph/rproxy

Saturday October 22, 2016
Tuesday October 18, 2016

As some of you may have guessed from the unintentional recent flurry of activity on my Twitter account, twitter feed, the service I used to use to post blog links automatically, is getting end-of-lifed. I've switched to for the time being, unless they send another unsolicited tweetstorm out …

Hitting The Wall

Saturday September 17, 2016

Dinner with friends is an endurance sport.

Wednesday August 17, 2016

Probably best to get this out of the way before this weekend:

If I meet you at a technical conference, you’ll probably see me extend my elbow in your direction, rather than my hand. This is because I won’t shake your hand at a conference.

People sometimes joke …

A Container Is A Function Call

Sunday August 14, 2016

There’s something missing from the Docker ecosystem: a type-checker.

Python Packaging Is Good Now

Sunday August 14, 2016 is your friend. It’s real sorry about what happened last time.

What’s In A Name

Saturday August 13, 2016

A rose by any other name would require a schema migration.

The One Python Library Everyone Needs

Friday August 12, 2016

Use attrs. Use it. Use it for everything.

Thursday August 11, 2016

Remember that thing I said in my pycon talk about native packaging being the main thing to worry about, and single-file binaries being at best a stepping stone to that and at worst a bit of a red herring? You don’t have to take it from me. From the …

Wednesday August 10, 2016

Hello lazyweb,

I want to run some “legacy” software (Trac, specifically) on a Swarm cluster. The files that it needs to store are mostly effectively write-once (it’s the attachments database) but may need to be deleted (spammers and purveyors of malware occasionally try to upload things for spamming or …

Monday August 08, 2016

I like keeping a comprehensive an accurate addressbook that includes all past email addresses for my contacts, including those which are no longer valid. I do this because I want to be able to see conversations stretching back over the years as originating from that person.

Unfortunately this causes problems …

Don’t Trust Sourceforge, Ever

Thursday July 28, 2016

Authenticate downloaded binaries from sourceforge. A little.

Letters To The Editor: Re: Email

Monday May 02, 2016

Seriously, do the Inbox Zero thing. You’ll feel better.

Email Isn’t The Thing You’re Bad At

Sunday April 24, 2016

You and me, we’re bad at a lot of things. But email isn’t one of those things, no matter how much it seems like it.

Far too many things can stop the BLOB

Tuesday April 19, 2016

Local mutable filesystem usage is a scalability problem.

Wednesday April 13, 2016

I think I’m using GitHub wrong.

I use a hodgepodge of https: and : (i.e. “ssh”) URL schemes for my local clones; sometimes I have a remote called “github” and sometimes I have one called “origin”. Sometimes I clone from a fork I made and sometimes I clone from …

Monday February 15, 2016

Monads are simple to understand.

You can just think of them like a fleet of mysterious inverted pyramids ominously hovering over a landscape dotted with the tombs of ancient and terrible gods. Tombs from which they may awake at any moment if they are “evaluated”.

The IO loop is then …

Tuesday February 09, 2016

This is an experiment with a subtly different format.

Right now when I want to say something quickly, I pop open the Twitter app and just type it. But I realized that the only reason I'm doing this rather than publishing on my own site is a UI affordance: Twitter …

Stop Working So Hard

Saturday January 16, 2016

In response to a thoughtful reply from John Carmack, I share some thoughts on why we all need to stop working so damn hard.

Taking Issue With Paul Graham’s Premises

Tuesday January 05, 2016

Income inequality is a complex issue that “essays” are not well-positioned to address.

Your Text Editor Is Malware

Thursday November 12, 2015

Emacs wants you to install unauthenticated code off of a wiki; I can help.

Python Option Types

Thursday September 17, 2015

Ask not for whom the NULL tolls; it tolls for thee.

Connecting To A Server On The Internet [Nightmare Difficulty]

Saturday September 12, 2015

How do networks even?

Software You Can Use

Saturday September 12, 2015

The Python community needs a tool for distributing software to end users.

Sometimes, You Just Want A Button

Friday July 17, 2015

GUIs, in Python, on macOS, made easy for back-end developers.

Sorry I Unfollowed You

Monday June 08, 2015

I unfollowed everyone else, too.

Separate your Fakes and your Inspectors

Friday May 08, 2015

Test fakes have two pieces.

Not Funny

Wednesday April 01, 2015

Today’s “joke” from the PSF was not funny.


Sunday March 22, 2015

They can’t take the sky from him.

Deploying Python Applications with Docker - A Suggestion

Friday March 06, 2015

A template for deploying Python applications into Docker containers.

According To...?

Friday February 13, 2015

Browsers, please start showing the issuer to users.

Security as Stencil

Saturday January 24, 2015

If you’re writing a “secure” email program, it needs to be a good email program.

The Glyph

Monday January 12, 2015

What does it mean?

Docker Dev to Prod in Just A Few Easy Steps

Monday December 08, 2014

Get your app into production right now.

Public or Private?

Friday November 28, 2014

To make data public or not to make data public, that is the question.

Thank You Lennart

Tuesday October 07, 2014

Thank You, Lennart Poettering


Friday September 19, 2014

Don’t use the word “engineering” to refer to the process of creating software.

The Most Important Thing You Will Read On This Blog All Year

Tuesday September 16, 2014

The Horizon

Monday September 15, 2014

I need to see all the way to the end of time to make progress today.

Techniques for Actually Distributed Development with Git

Wednesday September 03, 2014

It's all very wibbly wobbly and versiony wersiony.


Sunday May 11, 2014

In a world…

The Report Of Our Death

Thursday May 08, 2014

The report of Twisted’s death was an exaggeration.

Panopticon Rift

Thursday March 27, 2014

Why exactly is it that Oculus Rift fans hate Facebook so much?


Monday February 24, 2014

Be as the reed, not the oak tree. Green threads are just threads.

And Now For Something Completely Different

Tuesday January 21, 2014

I’ve switched to a new publishing platform. You no longer need to inform state security of your interest in this content.

On "On Women In Tech"

Tuesday July 09, 2013

The Twisted Way

Thursday December 27, 2012

A Tired Hobgoblin

Sunday October 21, 2012

The Lexicology of Personal Development

Sunday October 07, 2012

Simple Made Variadic

Thursday July 12, 2012

We'll Always Have Cambridge

Friday April 13, 2012

This Isn't How PyPy Works, But it Might as Well Be

Sunday February 12, 2012

The Concurrency Spectrum: from Callbacks to Coroutines to Craziness

Thursday January 19, 2012

I'm Sorry It's Come To This

Thursday December 15, 2011

Blocking vs. Running

Friday November 04, 2011

2L2T: DjangoCon Feedback

Friday September 09, 2011

ἁγιολογία for r0ml

Sunday June 19, 2011

Calling all Ascetic Buddhist Rock Musicians

Friday April 01, 2011

Resolving diverged Bazaar branches on the go with 'dead heads'.

Saturday December 04, 2010

Some Common Onomatological Errors

Wednesday January 06, 2010

Learn Twisted

Saturday October 24, 2009

Do you want WiFi to work at your conference?

Friday October 23, 2009

Hobgoblin History

Sunday October 04, 2009

Diesel: A Case Study In That Thing I Just Said

Thursday September 24, 2009

Making Twisted Specific

Thursday September 24, 2009

The Hole At The End Of The Pipe

Saturday September 12, 2009

Tornado + Twisted

Saturday September 12, 2009

What I Wish Tornado Were

Friday September 11, 2009

The Web, Untangled

Friday September 11, 2009

Oh <what> a.tangled {web, we} WEAVE FROM

Thursday September 10, 2009

Threat 2: Attacks via E-Mail

Monday September 07, 2009

Goodbye, Divmod. Hello, World!

Friday July 10, 2009

Threat 1: Attacks From The Outside

Thursday July 09, 2009

My Threat Model

Friday June 26, 2009

A Chicken in Every Pot and a Python on Every Port

Tuesday June 23, 2009

Why Phones Lost

Tuesday June 16, 2009

Who Wants To Know?

Thursday June 04, 2009

Sponsor Twisted!

Saturday May 23, 2009

Making easy_install work with Combinator

Thursday April 23, 2009

Notification Disappointment in Ubuntu Jaunty

Saturday April 11, 2009

My Time At PyCon

Tuesday April 07, 2009

Tell Everyone You Know

Monday March 09, 2009

Doing Stuff at PyCon

Saturday March 07, 2009

The Perfect Iced Latte

Friday March 06, 2009

It's Always Sunny in Python

Friday February 27, 2009

Explaining Why Interfaces Are Great

Monday February 16, 2009

Help Us Help You

Wednesday February 04, 2009

Using SSH Keys on a USB Drive on MacOS X

Monday February 02, 2009

The Joel Un-test

Sunday February 01, 2009

You Got Your WindowMaker In My Peanut Butter

Sunday January 18, 2009

A Meandering Review of the Logitech Illuminated Keyboard

Saturday January 17, 2009

Commercial Break

Tuesday January 13, 2009

The Television Writer's Guide to Cryptography

Tuesday January 13, 2009

Full-Duplex Metablog

Tuesday January 13, 2009

The Dark Art of Sound on Linux

Sunday January 11, 2009

The X Window System

Tuesday December 30, 2008

Zork: Now In Full HD

Sunday December 28, 2008

The Emacs Test

Tuesday December 23, 2008

Databases and Twisted: When Threads Are OK (For Some Purposes)

Saturday December 20, 2008

Search History: L

Saturday November 01, 2008

An Underserved Market

Thursday October 23, 2008

Installing Software on Linux Doesn't Need to be Terrible: A Photo Essay

Sunday October 19, 2008

Numbers That Go Up

Saturday October 18, 2008

ScribeFire Rocks

Saturday October 18, 2008

Wow! Java (Swing) doesn't have to look crappy!

Saturday October 18, 2008

Programming (And Markup) Languages I've Learned In Order

Tuesday October 14, 2008

After These Messages, We'll Be Right Back

Monday September 29, 2008

exarkun for president

Thursday September 25, 2008

The Ultimate Ubuntu / PulseAudio Guide

Saturday September 20, 2008

Hack, the Hardy Heron Sings: Glory to this Linux thing

Wednesday September 17, 2008

Don't Call It Blogging

Thursday July 17, 2008

Conference FAIL

Wednesday July 09, 2008

Static On The Wire

Friday July 04, 2008

Constructive Criticism

Wednesday July 02, 2008

This Word, "Scaling"

Monday June 30, 2008

Data In, Garbage Out

Wednesday June 04, 2008

Memeventory! Inventomeme? Uh, how about "inventory meme".

Tuesday June 03, 2008

Structured Python Editor

Thursday April 10, 2008

The App Engine Of Your Internet...?

Monday April 07, 2008

New Blog

Monday April 07, 2008

Second Week Project

Friday April 04, 2008

Leaving Livejournal

Thursday March 27, 2008

Divmod: Reloaded

Thursday March 27, 2008

Upgrade now!

Thursday March 27, 2008

Open Source 3D Massively Multiplayer Game Infrastructure using Twisted

Wednesday March 19, 2008

Against the Alexandria Library Migration Strategy

Tuesday March 18, 2008

Back from PyCon

Tuesday March 18, 2008

That Ain't Workin'

Wednesday March 05, 2008

Highlighting buried treasure in Twisted

Wednesday February 06, 2008

Do Not Want

Thursday January 31, 2008

It Will Blend

Friday January 18, 2008

Export for Python

Tuesday January 01, 2008

Twenty Post-Dollars

Tuesday January 01, 2008

It Was A Bullet

Monday December 31, 2007

Looks like I'll be going to PyCon after all

Monday December 17, 2007

The Fear That Haunts My Dreams

Sunday November 25, 2007

The xUnit Paradox

Thursday September 13, 2007

Thank You, Microsoft!

Sunday September 02, 2007

There is a flash of light! Your PYTHON has evolved into PSYDUCK!

Friday August 31, 2007

Pondering Python Path Programming Problems

Wednesday August 22, 2007

Not Just The Faithful

Tuesday August 21, 2007

Pet Peeve

Sunday July 15, 2007

Mindful Link Propagation

Saturday July 14, 2007

Functional Functions and the Python Singleton Unpattern

Saturday July 07, 2007

Ultimate Quality 功夫 System

Friday June 15, 2007

50/50 again!

Tuesday June 12, 2007

The Best Answer I Can Give You

Tuesday June 12, 2007

Do you have SSH Keys?

Sunday May 06, 2007

A Gibbon Already In Flight

Tuesday May 01, 2007

The Engine of Your Internet is Serious Business

Sunday April 22, 2007

solve for X

Friday April 06, 2007

twistd make me a sandwich

Friday April 06, 2007

PyCon pwnd

Friday March 30, 2007

The Ghost(busters) in the Machine

Wednesday March 21, 2007

Grim Prophecy

Friday March 16, 2007

The Legend Continues

Tuesday March 13, 2007

come on people we can't lose this one

Monday March 12, 2007

MacBookBuntu Take 2

Saturday March 10, 2007

Recovering from PyCon

Monday March 05, 2007

Twisted BoF at PyCon

Tuesday February 20, 2007

I Got the Black One

Monday February 12, 2007

A Graphical Guide to Getting your God Damned Bluetooth Modem to Work Again in Linux (Ubuntu Edgy)

Monday February 12, 2007

Thoughts on Thoughts

Tuesday February 06, 2007

Five More Things

Friday February 02, 2007

I Am A Process Consultant

Tuesday January 02, 2007

Come for the Code, Stay for the Abuse

Monday January 01, 2007

New Twisted Site

Tuesday December 05, 2006

How could I not go?

Friday December 01, 2006

"This bash shell is now fully operational!"

Wednesday November 29, 2006

Keyboard Review: the Logitech diNovo Edge, with Linux

Monday November 27, 2006

Brain Waste

Friday November 17, 2006

Don't Use Python 2.5 Just Yet

Saturday November 04, 2006

The Z-List

Monday October 23, 2006

Pop Quiz, Hot Shot

Friday September 22, 2006

Fullmetal Asynchronous

Sunday September 17, 2006

Let's Get Pumped

Sunday September 10, 2006

Scientific Method(ology)

Friday August 25, 2006

The Web One Hundred Point Oh Challenge

Monday August 14, 2006

a scheme program

Thursday August 03, 2006

Python mainpoints

Wednesday July 19, 2006


Tuesday June 27, 2006

Ruby on Wrecks

Tuesday June 27, 2006

Potentially Of Interest

Monday June 26, 2006

A Rich Source of Gremlinium

Wednesday June 21, 2006

Commit Messages and Cracker Jacks

Wednesday June 21, 2006

Better Blog Next Time

Monday June 12, 2006

Online Spreadsheets are Old News

Thursday June 08, 2006

Paying if you should

Wednesday June 07, 2006

What I was doing 3 years ago

Wednesday May 17, 2006

The Moving 2: Escape From "Escape From #1203"

Monday May 15, 2006

Move Postponed

Friday April 28, 2006

Is Divmod "Web 2.0"?

Thursday April 27, 2006

Think heave-age, think ho-age

Thursday April 27, 2006

A Hyperlink which you May Find Interesting

Sunday April 23, 2006

Fused Silicon and Free Software

Monday April 17, 2006

The Missing Prompt

Monday April 17, 2006

Keyboard Fight

Thursday April 13, 2006

The Other Book

Friday March 31, 2006


Friday March 31, 2006

Another Prediction

Tuesday March 21, 2006

Where does Divmod come from?

Friday March 17, 2006

Is "Framework" the new "Enterprise"?

Wednesday March 15, 2006

A Point of Agreement

Tuesday March 14, 2006

(Unfortunately Brief) Austin Retrospective

Monday March 13, 2006

I know you're all expecting an update...

Friday March 10, 2006

PyCon's Anti-Prom

Monday March 06, 2006

Push F9 To Continue

Wednesday February 22, 2006

The Opposite Test

Friday February 17, 2006

My Girl Loves Me

Wednesday February 15, 2006

Python Logitech G15 Keyboard Multiplexing Daemon

Friday February 10, 2006

Block Syntax for Python

Sunday February 05, 2006

No PyCon for Divmod this year :-(

Friday February 03, 2006

Slaying Medusa

Wednesday February 01, 2006

The Olestra of the Web

Tuesday January 31, 2006

Statistical anomaly

Saturday January 28, 2006

Mary has an interesting post about IRC. I've h...

Monday January 09, 2006

Why Axiom Doesn't Expose SQL

Saturday December 31, 2005

d00d ur pr0n warez sploits r pwnd

Friday December 30, 2005

Ubuntu is the only game in town

Monday December 26, 2005

Unreasonable Defaults

Tuesday December 20, 2005

Python Namespace Problem

Tuesday December 13, 2005

Don't Say I Never Did Nothing For You

Monday December 12, 2005

Last Chance To See

Monday December 05, 2005

Your Very Soul

Saturday December 03, 2005

Come One Come All

Thursday December 01, 2005

Sharing the love

Wednesday November 30, 2005

"Web 3.0", or Why Mantissa is What the Web is Missing

Sunday November 27, 2005

Review: Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard &amp; Logitech G7 Gaming Mouse

Sunday November 27, 2005


Wednesday November 16, 2005

A Few Clarifications

Wednesday November 16, 2005

Ethics for Programmers: Primum non Nocere

Sunday November 13, 2005

6:00 on a saturday morning...

Friday November 11, 2005

Not Exactly a Release

Wednesday November 02, 2005

Mantissa 0.3.0 - Twisted on Tracks

Wednesday November 02, 2005

Axiom 0.3.0 - The ORM I Won't Shut Up About, Already

Wednesday November 02, 2005

Announcement! Epsilon Strikes Back

Wednesday November 02, 2005

Today while helping a friend, I was exposed to PH...

Saturday October 29, 2005

Divmod Axiom release 0.2.0 indicates that when I herald something it is <em>heralded</em>

Wednesday October 26, 2005

Divmod Epsilon release 0.2.1 heralds a new golden age of computing

Tuesday October 25, 2005

He is unstoppable!

Friday October 21, 2005

Divmod Hits! Divmod Hits! Divmod Hits! -More-

Wednesday October 19, 2005

Hooray Users

Tuesday October 18, 2005

Python to the rescue (Or, How Hard could it Possibly Be)

Monday October 17, 2005

Party Like It's 1982.

Monday October 17, 2005

Backup Question

Saturday October 15, 2005

He's Done It Again

Friday October 14, 2005

"Just a Flesh Wound"

Thursday October 13, 2005

One Thing At A Time

Monday September 26, 2005

Money for nothing (and your clicks for free)

Saturday September 24, 2005

Twisted Do-Over

Saturday September 24, 2005

View Them

Thursday September 15, 2005

Windows Command Line

Saturday September 10, 2005

End of an Era

Tuesday September 06, 2005

The problem is, on the internet, nobody can hear you.

Friday September 02, 2005

Six Megabytes

Tuesday August 30, 2005

Knowing Santa Claus is Fake Doesn't Ruin Christmas

Thursday August 18, 2005

Tiny Flag Day

Thursday August 11, 2005


Wednesday August 03, 2005

Seventh System Effect

Friday July 29, 2005

Here we go...

Thursday July 28, 2005


Tuesday July 19, 2005

I am from Typographic Circumstances (Review of Belkin MediaPilot)

Sunday July 17, 2005

Twisted.Child #1: Congratulations to Luc and Noa

Thursday July 14, 2005


Thursday July 14, 2005

wacom tablet boot autodetection

Wednesday July 13, 2005

Area Flora

Wednesday July 13, 2005

Won't You Be My Neighbor

Wednesday July 13, 2005

I am weak (Review of Saitek "Eclipse" Keyboard)

Wednesday July 13, 2005

Twenty Megabytes

Wednesday July 13, 2005

what we need more of is surveys

Wednesday June 22, 2005

metaclasses: like candy for sociopaths

Wednesday June 15, 2005


Tuesday June 14, 2005

math is for nerds

Tuesday June 14, 2005

Where Have All the Hobos Gone

Saturday June 04, 2005

No Seriously

Saturday June 04, 2005

Thanks Everyone

Wednesday June 01, 2005

Money for Nothing

Friday May 20, 2005

The Theologians That Feed

Tuesday May 17, 2005

I guess this means they have won something

Friday May 13, 2005

Meta-Roadmap for Twisted

Tuesday May 10, 2005


Friday April 29, 2005


Wednesday April 27, 2005

Security Nerditry

Sunday April 10, 2005

Post PyCon Wrap-Up

Saturday April 02, 2005


Wednesday March 30, 2005

I guess it's official now

Tuesday March 29, 2005

I'm At PyCon

Monday March 21, 2005

so apparently now Twisted is a regression test for linux?

Wednesday March 02, 2005

have you heard these two terms before

Tuesday March 01, 2005

I'll be brief...

Friday February 11, 2005

10k of RSS in 1M of Screenshots

Wednesday February 09, 2005

I rarely know what I'm talking about...

Friday February 04, 2005

I Can Draw Graphs Too

Wednesday February 02, 2005

A grotesque parody of science

Thursday January 27, 2005

every program does this, here is how

Thursday January 06, 2005

Unrelated Epiphany

Wednesday December 22, 2004

Good Luck

Monday November 29, 2004

It's Been a While

Saturday November 27, 2004

copyright straw

Wednesday October 06, 2004

A More Focused Proposal

Wednesday October 06, 2004

Does this mean I can sue the MPAA?

Monday September 20, 2004


Thursday September 16, 2004

Who Is You? Not Them, That's Who

Friday September 10, 2004

Short Question, Long Answer

Friday September 10, 2004

in bed on time

Thursday September 09, 2004


Friday September 03, 2004

blogging in the park

Tuesday August 31, 2004

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Tuesday August 10, 2004

today, linux is awesome

Saturday August 07, 2004

Python's Secret Macro Mechanism

Tuesday August 03, 2004

A Note of Thanks

Saturday July 31, 2004


Friday July 30, 2004

OSCON: Day 2

Thursday July 29, 2004

OSCON: Day 1

Wednesday July 28, 2004

where flap the tatters of the symlink

Sunday July 25, 2004

I almost forgot. I'm going to OSCON.

Friday July 23, 2004


Friday July 23, 2004


Friday July 16, 2004

Missing Entries

Sunday July 11, 2004

This Coming Week at Divmod

Sunday July 04, 2004

The Price of Silence

Sunday July 04, 2004

Status Rapport

Sunday July 04, 2004


Wednesday June 30, 2004

A Tale of Two Cities

Tuesday June 22, 2004

Network Appliances

Saturday June 12, 2004

Calcitrating Various Objects in the Traditional Manner

Saturday June 12, 2004

Sonambulance Driver

Saturday June 12, 2004

Type Hard or Go Home

Thursday June 10, 2004

What the hell has gotten into these GNOME people's minds

Saturday May 29, 2004

Triumphant Return

Wednesday May 26, 2004

I have to say it, it is the law

Wednesday May 19, 2004

Say Hello To Our New Robotic Masters

Monday May 17, 2004

man what the heck

Friday May 14, 2004

Something Positive

Tuesday May 04, 2004


Monday May 03, 2004


Tuesday April 13, 2004


Sunday April 11, 2004

the saga continues

Friday April 09, 2004


Thursday April 08, 2004


Wednesday April 07, 2004

Just Soup

Tuesday April 06, 2004

Drama Soup

Monday April 05, 2004

best practices

Sunday March 07, 2004

pycon stuff

Monday February 23, 2004

Six Not-So-Easy Speeches

Thursday February 12, 2004

final lap

Monday February 09, 2004

popular culture

Thursday January 22, 2004

I hate computers.

Wednesday January 21, 2004

google is too awesome for words

Monday January 19, 2004

jiggety jig

Saturday January 17, 2004

a return to your regularly scheduled metacommentary

Sunday January 11, 2004

google bar

Sunday January 11, 2004

different tables

Saturday January 10, 2004

what can I even say about this?

Thursday January 08, 2004

continuing catalogue

Thursday January 08, 2004

As Promised

Wednesday January 07, 2004


Monday January 05, 2004

one system after another

Sunday January 04, 2004


Saturday January 03, 2004


Friday January 02, 2004

It's less explody now

Tuesday December 30, 2003


Saturday December 27, 2003

Malevolent what, now? Hey!

Friday December 26, 2003

My Favorite Premise

Friday December 26, 2003

Jackhammer Shotgun

Tuesday December 23, 2003

PyGTK/win32 hack

Saturday December 20, 2003

I'm the guy who upgrades (plus I've got regression).

Wednesday December 17, 2003

I am in pain because I cannot sleep

Wednesday December 17, 2003

Conneticut sucks.

Monday December 15, 2003

worse was "better", but now "superior" - better now stuponfucious and we don't know what it was

Saturday December 13, 2003

lunchtime apocalypse

Wednesday December 10, 2003

It's the smell, if there is such a thing.

Wednesday December 03, 2003

Late Arrival

Sunday November 30, 2003

Return Plans

Saturday November 29, 2003

R.I.P. Shiguang Li

Wednesday November 26, 2003


Wednesday November 26, 2003

Client for What?

Friday November 21, 2003

rough week

Monday November 17, 2003

Attribute Architecture

Wednesday November 12, 2003

Spoke Too Soon

Wednesday November 12, 2003

Minor Corrections

Tuesday November 11, 2003


Tuesday November 11, 2003

Happy Mac

Friday November 07, 2003

Oh Point !@#%$ Seven

Tuesday November 04, 2003

time zone alarms

Monday November 03, 2003


Friday October 31, 2003


Sunday October 26, 2003

Remote Unslicer

Thursday October 09, 2003


Thursday October 09, 2003

Quick Hacking

Wednesday October 08, 2003

Where Flap the Patents of the King, Pixels Unrendered Must Die Unseen

Wednesday October 08, 2003

Identity Crisis

Wednesday October 08, 2003

Crouching Database, Hidden Transaction

Tuesday October 07, 2003

another one

Monday October 06, 2003


Monday October 06, 2003