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Transparency can be anything from an alpha-channel in an image, to shaders in the BGE, to transparency in a material, to the alpha pass in the compositor.

2 votes
1 answer

How to set up transparency node with factor controlling the Alpha

I'm have a node set up on the first example, with a mix shader which controls the opacity from 0-100 for the Cube shape, And on the second example I also have Fresnel, and RGB curves which plug into t …
blender breath's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to make image transparent/Opaque for image render

I have an image I'm trying to make it transparent. I have tried both methods, importing images as planes and adding it as a background. importing it as a background I can lower the alpha, but it wont …
blender breath's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

image wont show through transparent sphere

I have imported image as plane, and set the blend mode to opaque (using EEVEE). I have a transparent sphere, but it wont show through the image. Ps: Just to make sure my sphere is transparent I insert …
blender breath's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to apply Alpha to a collection with all the objects within the collection

I have multiple objects with various textures and materials, in different collections. Is it possible to apply an Alpha to the collection itself with the objects inside it? So I can control how much o …
blender breath's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Emission wont emit through black colour screen

I have a mesh plane which is a glass object, transmission and alpha all the way up, which means its 100% opaque. Whenever I use a lighter colour the emission shader goes through the glass, but when I …
blender breath's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to eliminate the white blurry edges from this PNG image using this node set

I have this node setup, with a PNG image which has a blur applied to it. I saw the node setup in this tutorial : (13:17sec), the nodes are seen. When I put …
blender breath's user avatar