
I want to build a 2D Logo in 3D and it includes a wavy plane and I couldn't really get it to work.

The logo looks like this:enter image description here

And I want to make the Salad in 3D to look like this: enter image description here

I tried using the wave modifier but it didn't really work out. Another try might be to use a Z Function Object but I didn't manage to find the function to this Picture.

I hope you can help me, stay safe, and have a great day ^^


4 Answers 4


Geometry nodes are the best solution because they are non-destructive and allow you to quickly change the result in real time.

enter image description here

Note that the wave corner on the reference should be pointing down. enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ True. A better way than mine. $\endgroup$
    – Robin Betts
    Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 19:44

This can be a ShiftA Add > Mesh > Math Function Z Math Surface, some variation of:

z = sin(x) * cos(y). (Or for a phase-shift.. z = sin(x) * sin(y) etc.)

enter image description here

  • Set the XY dimensions of your surface to some nice multiple of pi/2, maybe, depending on where you want your wave to intersect the boundaries
  • Or shift the surface with respect to its boundaries by adding a some number to x and/or y..
  • Don't worry about the height, you can always scale in Z, in Edit Mode, to change that.

The above version has Solidify, Bevel, and Subdivision Surface modifiers.. the Solidify has a material-index-shift to get the green rim.


You can easily achieve this by using geometry nodes.

(You can use the viewer node to see the changes visually)
I seperated the X-component of the position and passed it through a Math:Modulo to get a repetition. Then used a map range to keep it between one and zero. After that I put it through a color ramp to get a 0-1-0 pattern. Now I put his thorugh a Math: Sine to get a bit of smoothing.(You can use a RGB Curves instead and get the kind of smoothing you want instead)

Now I did the same thing with the Y-component and mixed the two using a Math: Minimum. Then I fed that into Combine XYZ: Z. Now using the set position node, I was able to displace it.

Change the value going into the node groups to change the number of zig-zags. Change the multiplication value before the combine XYZ to controlthe height.

enter image description here

enter image description here

This is the final result: enter image description here


These are amazing and accurate answers but if ur looking for a simpler approach using wave modifier so check this out:enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ The problem is that the curve on the border does not match the reference image, which makes such a solution useless. $\endgroup$
    – ugorek
    Commented Aug 13, 2023 at 12:37

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