
How can I twist meshes around another mesh as shown in the image below with geometry nodes? I know Set Curve Tilt and Curve to Mesh nodes could be used to achieve a similar result, but the meshes in my node tree are already generated and modified by other nodes so Curve to Mesh will not work.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


I have created two variants for you here:

enter image description here

One creates the mesh shown with Geometry Nodes, and the other twists an existing mesh.

So the answer to your question is:

  1. Capture the height of your mesh with the node Bounding Box.
  2. Map the Z-position of each vertex with the maximum height into a range of $0$ - $2\pi$. This is the angle that also increases as a function of height until it reaches a full $360°$ rotation.
  3. Rotate the vector on the Z-axis with this angle and use that as the position for the node Set Position.


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