
Is it possible to move a modifier up/down or to the first/ last position within the modifier stack?

enter image description here

If I hotkey the operators for "Move to First" and "Move to Last" from the dropdown, Blender requires a modifier name.

enter image description here

Also, is it possible to navigate to the previous/ next modifier in the stack using hotkeys?


3 Answers 3


Install the hotkeys in the Property Editor section without a modifier name:

enter image description here

enter image description here


Modifiers can be moved to the first place in the stack using: "object.modifier_move_to_index", with the Index set to 0. The last place index is dependent on the number of modifiers and since the index cannot be -1, this cannot be used for moving to the last position.


Just drag here: enter image description here

and drop where you want it to have:

enter image description here

you can right click here:

enter image description here

and then assign shortcut.

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The shortcut for these operators only works if you specify the modifier name, so it does not work without. It only works if you use it from the dropdown, not with a shortcut. $\endgroup$
    – Hologram
    Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 15:43

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