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Bounty Ended with Tavi Kohn's answer chosen by Allosteric

getting How to get consistent stroke thickness when zooming grease pencil?

IveI've noticed that when I am using Grease pencilthe Grease pencil with a placement other than "view" the thickness Staysstays the same thickness based on the view in awaya way that it isn't effected by it's perceived distance from the camera. 

Is there a way to make the stroke thickness remain a consistent with its distance from the camera? And as a side note, is there a way to change the thickness to something larger than 10px?

getting consistent stroke thickness when zooming grease pencil

Ive noticed that when using Grease pencil with a placement other than "view" the thickness Stays the same thickness based on the view in away that it isn't effected by it's perceived distance from the camera. Is there a way to make the stroke thickness remain a consistent with its distance from the camera? And as a side note, is there a way to change the thickness larger than 10px?

How to get consistent stroke thickness when zooming grease pencil?

I've noticed that when I am using the Grease pencil with a placement other than "view" the thickness stays the same thickness based on the view in a way that it isn't effected by it's perceived distance from the camera. 

Is there a way to make the stroke thickness remain consistent with its distance from the camera? And as a side note, is there a way to change the thickness to something larger than 10px?

Notice added Draw attention by Allosteric
Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by Allosteric
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getting consistent stroke thickness when zooming grease pencil

Ive noticed that when using Grease pencil with a placement other than "view" the thickness Stays the same thickness based on the view in away that it isn't effected by it's perceived distance from the camera. Is there a way to make the stroke thickness remain a consistent with its distance from the camera? And as a side note, is there a way to change the thickness larger than 10px?