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I am trying to make this pattern of holes on my object enter image description here

I made the 4 cylinders through an array with the left most one being the original. When I apply the Boolean and turn of the cylinders there is no hole made from the original enter image description here

I am pretty stumped anyone got a solution? Edit: Tried switching solved to fast just did this enter image description here

I am trying to make this pattern of holes on my object enter image description here

I made the 4 cylinders through an array with the left most one being the original. When I apply the Boolean and turn of the cylinders there is no hole made from the original enter image description here

I am pretty stumped anyone got a solution?

I am trying to make this pattern of holes on my object enter image description here

I made the 4 cylinders through an array with the left most one being the original. When I apply the Boolean and turn of the cylinders there is no hole made from the original enter image description here

I am pretty stumped anyone got a solution? Edit: Tried switching solved to fast just did this enter image description here

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Boolean modifier is ignoring original object of array

I am trying to make this pattern of holes on my object enter image description here

I made the 4 cylinders through an array with the left most one being the original. When I apply the Boolean and turn of the cylinders there is no hole made from the original enter image description here

I am pretty stumped anyone got a solution?