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Quick How Does Blender Camera Culling QuestionOperate Internally?

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Quick Camera Culling Question

Just to be absolutely certain - Blender's camera culling feature works at the object level, not at the vertex/edge/face level. True (or false)? In other words, objects that straddle the camera's or viewport's frustum are not clipped. I have a large object created by applying both a subdivision modifier and ocean modifier to a plane. When I zoom in, I would like to see wave details, so I turn up the subdivision modifier levels viewport or levels render parameters in the subdivision modifier. This starts to consume a lot of memory. Blender's documentation implies culling occurs at the object level. But a handful of Google hits suggest otherwise. Testing proved to be ambiguous. The scene statistics remained fixed between toggling culling off and on. I made sure to set culling on in both the render settings and the object settings. And memory usage sometimes dropped when toggling the culling settings, and sometimes remained unchanged. Not sure how frequently/quickly Blender frees memory between renders. Maybe I wasn't patient enough to see memory usage drop between toggles?