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Robin Betts
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How to create a camera-space 2D bounding box in Geometry Nodes?

I've been trying to create a 2D bounding box. On this website I've found multiple threads about how to do this with code, but not how to do this with Geometry Nodes. Here's an example of what I imagine this would look like. In my case this would be more like a plane slicing through the source mesh or being in front of it.:

enter image description here

So far I've been able to figure out that I will need the x and y axis, relative to the camera viewpoint. The "Attribute Statistic" node also seems necessary to get the minimum and maximum positions on camera's x and y axis.

I also tried a couple things with the "Bounding Box" node, but I can't make it face in the direction of the camera without it no longer fitting the source object. If this was possible, I could simply take the frontal plane. That this plane would appear slightly larger because of perspective is not an issue in my case.

Any help is appreciated!

How to create a 2D bounding box in Geometry Nodes?

I've been trying to create a 2D bounding box. On this website I've found multiple threads about how to do this with code, but not how to do this with Geometry Nodes. Here's an example of what I imagine this would look like. In my case this would be more like a plane slicing through the source mesh or being in front of it.

So far I've been able to figure out that I will need the x and y axis, relative to the camera viewpoint. The "Attribute Statistic" node also seems necessary to get the minimum and maximum positions on camera's x and y axis.

I also tried a couple things with the "Bounding Box" node, but I can't make it face in the direction of the camera without it no longer fitting the source object. If this was possible, I could simply take the frontal plane. That this plane would appear slightly larger because of perspective is not an issue in my case.

Any help is appreciated!

How to create a camera-space 2D bounding box in Geometry Nodes?

I've been trying to create a 2D bounding box. On this website I've found multiple threads about how to do this with code, but not how to do this with Geometry Nodes. Here's an example of what I imagine this would look like. In my case this would be more like a plane slicing through the source mesh or being in front of it:

enter image description here

So far I've been able to figure out that I will need the x and y axis, relative to the camera viewpoint. The "Attribute Statistic" node also seems necessary to get the minimum and maximum positions on camera's x and y axis.

I also tried a couple things with the "Bounding Box" node, but I can't make it face in the direction of the camera without it no longer fitting the source object. If this was possible, I could simply take the frontal plane. That this plane would appear slightly larger because of perspective is not an issue in my case.

Any help is appreciated!

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How to create a 2D bounding box in Geometry Nodes?

I've been trying to create a 2D bounding box. On this website I've found multiple threads about how to do this with code, but not how to do this with Geometry Nodes. Here's an example of what I imagine this would look like. In my case this would be more like a plane slicing through the source mesh or being in front of it.

So far I've been able to figure out that I will need the x and y axis, relative to the camera viewpoint. The "Attribute Statistic" node also seems necessary to get the minimum and maximum positions on camera's x and y axis.

I also tried a couple things with the "Bounding Box" node, but I can't make it face in the direction of the camera without it no longer fitting the source object. If this was possible, I could simply take the frontal plane. That this plane would appear slightly larger because of perspective is not an issue in my case.

Any help is appreciated!