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Questions tagged [academic-research]

Dealing with scientific research, papers, publications, books, theories, laws and the scientific method related to Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.

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Reverse-engineering Bitcoin to a formal specification

Is there any attempt/project to reverse-engineer Bitcoin's reference implementation, not to an informal description (I have found those), rather to a formal specification? I have tried searching but ...
Julio Di Egidio's user avatar
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On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains Paper: How is transaction/sec calculated?

I'm currently reading this paper on the scalability of Bitcoin and I'm struggling to understand some of the calculations. On page 6 they calculate the 90% effective throughput, meaning the speed at ...
xrv0's user avatar
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Where can I learn about open research topics in Bitcoin?

I am currently doing my Master's Thesis, and I really want it to be about blockchain technology, and specifically Bitcoin. I was wondering if anyone here has any ideas on improvements or further ...
Czaru's user avatar
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Is Bitcoin considered mobile money (formal definition)?

I'm using an IMF data set that includes mobile money variables along with a data set of cryptocurrency use. I found the mobile money variables to be highly correlated with the cryptocurrency use data. ...
kleinerde's user avatar
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What does it mean to make mining more difficult? [duplicate]

Really I don't know nothing about bitcoin but now I got curious read something and immediately come to something on mind. I mean, there's a social economic comunity somewhere generating value based on ...
Lerian Acosenossa's user avatar
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Bitcoin data by country?

I am a political science graduate student looking to do research on bitcoin and cryptocurrency. To do so, however, I need data. While many datasets provide wonderful histories of bitcoin price and ...
HeadlessHeadscratcher's user avatar
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What prior work influenced the design of the Bitcoin instruction set?

The "Script" system used by Bitcoin transactions is commonly described as a Forth-like, stack-based language. What prior work influenced the design and layout of the Script instruction set? ...
Jason Dreyzehner's user avatar
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Are there any academic papers on the link between energy markets and Bitcoin mining?

I am keen to see if there have been any academic papers that have studied the link between bitcoin miners and energy markets, in-particular, if there is a so called 'no-arbitrage' requirement, or a ...
Hamish Gibson's user avatar
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Where can I find a survey on different fee estimation algorithms?

I am looking for a comparison or summary of different fee estimation algorithms. Does anyone know of one? I would like to see what the best starting point is in order to see where optimization can be ...
mango's user avatar
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What would be an example for an insertion into the blockchain?

I'm reading the paper The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications. On page 21, definition 8 reads: An insertion occurs when, given a chain C with two consecutive blocks B and B, a block ...
mike's user avatar
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How does one prove total turingness of the bitcoin script using the Ackermann Functions?

In this Medium Article (, C. Wright states: "...It is known that all primitive recursive functions are total and ...
Abhinav's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the fastest way to research Bitcoin block chain?

I would like to do some research of the Bitcoin blockchain. Because i would like to do massive amounts of processing and lookups, I need a fast way to search the blockchain. Http requests to insight....
DDecoene's user avatar
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Wouldn't it be profitable to make an ASIC capable of calculating private keys?

Just looking at vanitygen-plus (currently supporting almost one-hundred crypto-currencies) do its stuff, and it is capable of over 548,990 keys/sec on my CPU alone. Well developed ASIC is several ...
Willtech's user avatar
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Current blockchain hot topics in research

I'm looking for a research project for my master thesis in software engineering and computer science and i'm willing to research the blockchain technology. What are the current open issues and/or hot ...
berrur's user avatar
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Double spending on testnet or regtest?

I'm currently doing a research on bitcoin and I would like to know if there is anyway to replicate double spending in the testnet or regtest? If isn't possible is there any other type of "attacks" ...
nikuism's user avatar
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