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Questions tagged [predation]

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Overly stabilised population dynamics model

My project aims to model population dynamics of a 3 trophic levels system: primary producers, herbivores and predator. I try to predict how changes in the vegetation abundance might affect higher ...
Rachel's user avatar
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How do Addax defend itself from predators?

The addax (Addax nasomaculatus) is a critically endangered antelope adapted to live in extreme desert conditions. It has long impressive horns that can potentially serve as a weapon because they are ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Is there any evidence that mammalian ears can act as thermal receptors?

Some snakes have a "pit organ" capable of sensing infrared radiation. The structure is similar to a primitive pit eye. Snakes are cold-blooded and their prey is generally warm-blooded, so it ...
Roger Wood's user avatar
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Why have mammalian predators been so small compared to their prey compared to theropod dinosaur predators?

So this is different than the question of "why are megafaunal mammals smaller than dinosaurs", which I understand to be a combination of: live birth limiting size (even sauropods had ...
Krupip's user avatar
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Why don't hamsters exhibit a fear response when other hamsters nearby are under attack?

There is this live feeding video on youtube that displays 30 live hamsters being eaten by 4 bullfrogs. You can find it here: What struck me as extremely odd ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Chronic-stress of predation risk in vertebrate prey

Prey must be vigilant when their predators are around. Predators may affect mortality (and morbidity, i.e. loss of quality of life) through these mechanisms: Direct attacks, including injuries ...
Kevin Kostlan's user avatar
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Did predators evolve eyes first?

I'm an engineer and biology is my weakest point, so please forgive if this question is dumb. Lately I've been wondering, "Why do animals that have eyes tend to have exactly 2 of them?" The ...
James Strieter's user avatar
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How selective are wolves about the size of their prey?

For an animal that lives and hunts socially like a wolf, is there a lower threshold to the size of prey items they will hunt? A pack wouldn't have much trouble with catching say a rabbit, but would ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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Maternal Effects

Does anyone know of a good review of non-human maternal effects, preferably the most recent? I'm looking for a breakdown of the most well-studied/least studied biotic and abiotic cues. Perhaps ...
Tavaro Evanis's user avatar
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Confused About Why Red Queen Hypothesis Wouldn't Apply to Deer's Color Vision [duplicate]

In this site,, it says ""But there seems to be no evolutionary pressure, particularly for deer, which are the main prey of the tiger, to ...
MeltedStatementRecognizing's user avatar
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Examples of bifurcations in real-life systems

Does period-doubling bifurcation and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation happen in real-life systems? Are there some examples? I'm particularly interested in biological host-parasitoid and predator-prey models....
User154's user avatar
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Refuge impact on growth rate

I have a question related to the refuge effect in ecological models. The assumption is that the population of hosts/prey is divided into two groups. One group consists of individuals that are safe ...
user121's user avatar
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Do cheetahs compete with lions?

Do cheetahs compete with lions for the same prey? A quick Google search says the answer is no: Lions hunt big animals such as buffalo, giraffe, wildebeest, and zebra. What prey do cheetahs hunt? ...
rwallace's user avatar
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Why does the ecosystem of my house seem inverted?

My understanding of a typical ecosystem is that it is like a pyramid, with the mass of prey at the base and the apex predators at the peak. However, the arthropod ecosystem in my house seems to be the ...
SlowMagic's user avatar
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Do *Ambystoma macrodactylum* predate on *ceuthophilinaens* like the one I observed?

I observed this Ambystoma macrodactylum within half of a meter of this Ceuthophilinaen under an old board. I can imagine salamanders eating cricket-like things, but this question is far outside my ...
Galen's user avatar
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