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Questions tagged [ribosomal]

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Why do XRAY (but not CryoEM) structures of ribosome in PDB have 2 assemblies?

When i started programming against PDB i had a mixture of confusion & frustration with the fact that certain cif files contain two actual structures aka ...
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Does rRNA depletion protocol give higher number of mapped reads in Intronic regions?

Recently, I have downloaded a publicly available dataset, which are 350 tumor samples. I see the following information from the published paper. They used Ribo Zero Gold and rRNA was depleted. Strand ...
maven's user avatar
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Ribosomal RNA QC quantification using SILVA

I would like to create a simple QC check of RNA-Seq data that simply maps the data to rRNA and then counts the number of reads that map. I've done this manually for human using sequences for 5S, 5.8S,...
hepcat72's user avatar
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Infer the new (Ban et. al) ribosomal nomenlature (ex. uL53 ) from the ribosomal protein's sequence

I'm trying to programmatically construct a name for each protein subchain in any ribosome from Uniprot in accordance with Ban et. al's 2014 proposal (excerpt given below) using PDB's and Uniprot's ...
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Why is ribosomal RNA difficult to remove even with Poly(A) selection?

In this answer (actually in a comment), it is stated that: As you've noticed from your own analysis, the ribosomal genes have quite variable expression across cells. They're expressed everywhere, ...
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How to filter ribosomal RNA from scRNA-seq data

I want to filter out ribosomal RNA from scRNA-seq data (downloaded from here). Is there a list of known ribosomal RNA? The only solution I found is SortMeRNA, however it works with raw sequencing ...
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