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Longstitch error make: command: Command not found *** No rule to make target

I installed Longstitch and ran the test script with no issues. The output files matched the expected output files. But when I am now trying to run Longstitch on my own data I am getting this error. <...
Karli's user avatar
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2 answers

Calling isoforms from long read data generated from partially degraded RNA

What will be the best tool to call isoforms from long read data generated from partially degraded RNA. By mistake we processed some samples with poor quality RNA to generate long read. Now we are ...
user3377241's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to filter contaminated reads for raw PacBio sequences (not HiFi reads) before assembly?

De novo genome assembly for non-model organisms face the issue of bacterial contamination. For assembled contigs with mostly bacterial-like sequences (based on BLAST search), the entire contig can be ...
Life_Searching_Steps's user avatar
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Difference between paired-end, mate-pair and long read

I writing here because I have some questions for you. I wondered what the essential differences were between paired-end, ...
chippycentra's user avatar
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PacBio long-reads impact in transcriptome de novo assembly?

We are strongly interested in assembly a good transcriptome of reference for a non-model organism and build a local database. We have sequenced the same individual with Illumina (150 millions of pair-...
Manuel Sánchez Mendoza's user avatar
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Platanus-allee phasing fail: Error(13): Error, SolveDBG exception!

I am using Platanus-allee 2.2.2 for heterozygous genome (~500mb) assembly with Illumina short reads and PacBio reads input data. I have the file contigs.fa from short reads but phasing step with ...
Enset's user avatar
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3 answers

What assembler is appropriate for High-Fidelity PacBio reads

What assembler is appropriate for High-Fidelity PacBio reads? For example, canu is good for high-error PacBio reads. But what algorithm to use for HiFi reads? Would it be OK to use canu without the ...
Biomagician's user avatar
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nanopore - where to retrieve information from the basecaller used

Where can I find information about the basecaller used in a specific nanopore run (we have a Gridion machine)? I know already that we have Guppy v. 3.0.3, which I ...
BCArg's user avatar
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Is nanopolish worth it since faster polishing software is available?

For Oxford Nanopore contigs produced by any long-read assembler has anyone performed any benchmarks to compare the polishing tools racon, ...
conchoecia's user avatar
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wtdbg2: practical implications of k-mer fsize and psize choice

I am using wtdbg2 2.3 to assemble a human genome (sequenced on PromethION from a cell line). I filtered out reads with low average quality, and now I am trying to determine the parameters that will ...
Daniel Standage's user avatar
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Scaffolding a genome with hybrid data

I am assembling a ~500MB genome, and have ~150x long reads and ~200x 150bp PE short reads, with a ~400bp insert size. I've done a lot of work with minimap+miniasm, and have what I think is a good set ...
roblanf's user avatar
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How can I improve a long-read assembly with a repetitive genome?

I'm currently trying to assembly a genome from a rodent parasite, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. This genome does have an existing reference genome, but it is highly fragmented. Here are some ...
gringer's user avatar
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How to deal with heterozygosity during polishing of genome assembly based on long reads?

All the long-read sequencing platforms are based on single-molecule sequencing which causes higher per-base error rates. For this reason a polishing step was added to genome assembly pipelines - ...
Kamil S Jaron's user avatar