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Questions tagged [measurement]

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2 votes
0 answers

How to get rid of duplicated frequency values in Raven Pro?

I use Raven Pro for my sound analysis, and I wanted to measure the peak frequency of the syllables that I selected. You probably know that, the measurements are automatic, I select the measurements ...
Maëlle Lefeuvre's user avatar
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Bioacoustics STEM Education Survey

I am a masters student in CWU's Primate Behavior & Ecology program. I am interested in Bioacoustics and STEM education. I've noticed there can be quite a learning curve for undergraduates who are ...
David Pitchford's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How do I estimate the quantization error in recordings based on bit depth?

I've found myself looking this up about once every few years so thought this would be a good place to pose the question for others (to look up every few years). When considering the precision of ...
K.J. Palmer's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Best practice for measuring amplitude of biophony

It is often useful to quantitatively measure (or at least estimate) the amplitude of an acoustic event such as a bird song. The desired measurement could be, for instance, that a bird sang at 105 dB ...
Sam Lapp's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

$10\log_{10}(X)$ or $20\log_{10}(X)$ dB values - how to tell?

Inspired by this question on dBs, I wanted to ask about a potentially dumb confusion I always have. When referring to an absolute measurement value, dBs always come with a reference. However, it is ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What is the AudioMoth absolute sensitivity in V/Pa?

How can I know the absolute sensitivity in V/Pa of AudioMoths (when used alone and also when used in the manufacturer's case) and its relation to the gain setting? A value measured at 1kHz or a full ...
Maxime BRU's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Echolocation Click Measurement

I am looking for some advice regarding software/code that is appropriate for obtaining precise measurements of echolocation click parameters (peak frequency, 3 and 10 dB bandwidth, etc.). While I know ...
LizFerg's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Batch-update Raven selection tables with new measurements?

I have gone through hundreds of recordings in Raven Pro 1.6, taking a suite of measurements on each one. I now have a batch of txt files (Raven selection tables) with the measurements. Let's say I ...
BirdGuyWes's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

"dB [re 1 µPa]" notation - why sometimes with a reference, and sometimes without?

I've come across several different formats for reporting acoustic measurements. One that has particularly confused me is when someone reports the source level of something as, for example, "120 ...
Chloe's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to measure sperm whale's IPI?

It's pretty easy to find the definition of a sperm whale's IPI (interpulse interval) and the methods that can be used to do it. Papers usually show some spectrograms with different pulses (Møhl et al.,...
Cristina Marcolin's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Manual measurements of calls from spectrograms. Should I be concerned with accuracy?

I've been struggling to measure the duration of my field-recorded bat calls well (with decent amounts of reverberation). Manual measurements are common in my study field using spectrograms. Using a ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Methods to analyse overlapping calls

Background I'm currently handling a multi-microphone dataset with groups of free flying frequency-modulating (FM) bats (1-30 bats). I'd like to assess if bats change their call bandwidth across group ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Which method to report source/received level (p2p, rms, peak) of recorded sounds?

I've seen papers report source/received levels of animal vocalisation using three measures: rms, peak and peak-to-peak. Even within a field there doesn't always seem to be a single convention, and ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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