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31 votes

Best E-reader for a touring bike?

How's this for ultimate lounging - you could add a projector that projects onto the sail, not only could you read ebooks while you cycle, but also watch the occasional movie! very nice ergonomics, no ...
Swifty's user avatar
  • 12.9k
30 votes

How can I prevent bicycle theft while bikepacking?

With multiple bikes, locking them together prevents them being picked up or ridden off. The latter is often the biggest risk when camping - simple opportunism. A reasonably long cable lock would lock ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 60.8k
29 votes

Is it possible to do 50 km distance without any previous training?

A fit person can do 50km without too much difficulty, though they'll probably be sore from the effort if they don't cycle much, just because cycling uses different muscles to, say, running. It wouldn'...
David Richerby's user avatar
25 votes

What explains 9 speed cassettes price differences?

In most cases with bicycle parts, more expensive means lighter. There can be exceptions, especially when you get to the super low end parts where cheaper can also mean cheaper construction. Since you ...
Fingel's user avatar
  • 414
25 votes

Reasonable daily distance for cycle touring?

I can think of worse things to get a mate to do without training, but not many. If you told me your mate ran a marathon last week, this answer would not change. It is not about how fit they are, it is ...
mattnz's user avatar
  • 51.7k
23 votes

Why do cyclists use thin bottles?

Inertia. Bottles are about that big because that's how big bottle cages are, because that's how big bottles are.... repeat. Another cause is that a 10cm bottle would be larger and harder to hold/...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 128k
20 votes

Reasonable daily distance for cycle touring?

In addition to the other good answers, I think you should ask yourself if you just want to be on the road, or that you want to enjoy other things as well. I have been on several (camping) cycle ...
Berend's user avatar
  • 815
18 votes

Touring bike with good support network in India

This is a problem that is not particularly specific to India, but common for anyone touring a long way from home and primarily through small towns and rural areas, even in major industrialized ...
Gary.Ray's user avatar
  • 16.5k
17 votes

Touring with kids - tag along and kids trailer behind same bike

Sounds like a bad idea. The biggest concern would be how the setup would act under hard braking, especially when going down an incline. There will a lot of mass to stop which means your stopping ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
17 votes

Touring with kids - tag along and kids trailer behind same bike

Those of us who tow bike trailers have generally encountered a situation where some other road user underestimates your total length. If your road-train bike was three units long there's more ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 128k
16 votes

Is it possible to construct an overnight shelter using a bike as the upright?

Yes, its been done before, there are various configurations. Google for 'Bikepacking tarp shelter' for many ideas. Good resources for this type of thing are forums and in the UK Bear ...
Andy P's user avatar
  • 18.3k
16 votes

How to mitigate the risk of riding on highways

Google is probably not the best tool for this, it's not tailored to the needs of cyclists. I would always use BRouter, here is the route it produces when I ask it to give me a safe route. The route is ...
cmaster - reinstate monica's user avatar
15 votes

I'm an absolute beginner in bike touring, about to buy a bike. Is it worth it to hire a bike fitting service before the purchase?

Welcome to the cycling world. This is a good question. It may not be possible to answer entirely objectively. My vote is not to get a professional fit now, but I'll outline some considerations that ...
Weiwen Ng's user avatar
  • 33.9k
14 votes

Is it possible to do 50 km distance without any previous training?

It's probably not a great idea. Start with a shorter route and see how you do. Pick a flat route without hills. Make sure you have a bail out and a way to get home (public transport, a friend, Uber ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
13 votes

Charging eBike Battery with Solar

A 100 watt solar panel is nominal watts under ideal situations. You'll be lucky to get 25 watts tied to the back of your bike - and this would be only for a few hours of the day, from 11a to 3p. Given ...
RoboKaren's user avatar
  • 29.3k
13 votes

Is it possible to construct an overnight shelter using a bike as the upright?

In the current situation I have time on my hands to try things, but only at home (hence the cramped pictures below, with garden toys in). An injury meant last year's trip didn't happen as planned, ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 60.8k
13 votes

Best E-reader for a touring bike?

A serious answer - consider an MP3 player and an audio-book instead. While sound-isolating headphones are bad for awareness, a single (ie mono) speaker can work quite well. Personally I use two ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 128k
13 votes

Narrow or comfort saddle?

You should ride whatever you find comfortable. If the old saddle was good, swap it to the new bike. If you intend on riding both bikes, keep eyes open for a second saddle of the same brand/model. ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 128k
12 votes

Touring vs race bike

Don't buy a €3K first bike! Instead, split your budget and get one for <1K. There are plenty of good advice here already (my vote goes to randonneur-type bike), and each of the suggested types can ...
Zeus's user avatar
  • 1,038
12 votes

Is it possible to do 50 km distance without any previous training?

To answer your questions - "Is it possible to do 50 km distance without any previous training? - Yes, it is possible, assuming by no previous training you mean cycling training. If a person has ...
David D's user avatar
  • 22.3k
12 votes

Best E-reader for a touring bike?

I think it's obvious that you'll need a heads-up display in order to see the road through the text you're reading. Safety first and all that. So you're going to want to combine this project with a ...
Adam Rice's user avatar
  • 30.3k
12 votes

On road repair for hydraulic brakes

There's really nothing one can carry to repair hydraulic brakes, short of workshop tools. Instead, do your maintenance well before leaving on a long trip, and have a couple of short bed-in rides ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 128k
11 votes

Cyclocross bike as a touring bike

The Crossrip line isn't quite a cyclocross bike; its designed somewhere between a commuter bike and a cyclocross bike (more relaxed and heavier than most cyclocross bikes; also, rack+fender mounts). ...
Batman's user avatar
  • 46.3k
11 votes

Best E-reader for a touring bike?

What is the best E-reader to use on a touring bike? What will mount well on a drop bar, withstand the vibration, and not jiggle so much that you can't read it? Something like Google Glass (yes, The ...
David D's user avatar
  • 22.3k
11 votes

Why do cyclists use thin bottles?

As noted above, the reason for not using fatter bottles is being able to have a firm enough grip on them to grab them, drink and stow them again with one hand while riding. The best solution for ...
DavidW's user avatar
  • 5,202
11 votes

How can I prevent bicycle theft while bikepacking?

I would suggest a Pacsafe Security Web or similar product to cover your gear. It is basically a net made of small gauge steel cables. It is designed to cover a backpack along with a long cable to ...
mikes's user avatar
  • 18.8k
11 votes

Reasonable daily distance for cycle touring?

The "reasonable distance" for such travel is the one that the least trained member of the team is sure to able to cover day after day, and there's no way to know it without training/...
Rеnаud's user avatar
  • 21.4k
10 votes

Should I use a Trek Domane SL5 for touring?

People tour on all kinds of bikes. That said, if you're going to tour on the Domane, you'll need to figure out how you'll be carrying your gear, since (as Argenti mentions in his comment), it doesn't ...
Adam Rice's user avatar
  • 30.3k
10 votes

How to mitigate the risk of riding on highways

If you go to OpenStreetMap ("Cycle Map" layer), there appears to be some kind of cycle lane for the roads heading down the east coast. I did some quick checks with Google Street View and ...
Kibbee's user avatar
  • 21.9k
9 votes

Is it possible to construct an overnight shelter using a bike as the upright?

Get a tarp, and use your bike to provide at least three mounting points for it. Dozens of examples of how people do it: My quick and dirty solution ...
Grigory Rechistov's user avatar

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