I noticed a weird noise when pedalling. I had my road bike with me when traveling (airplane), and I just came back from a trip. I only had to take the wheels off when packing it. Once I assembled the wheels back on, and gave it a try, I noticed this noise.


What could it be? I tried lubricating the chain but it made no difference.

  • Any chance you can put the bike somewhere stationary, move the cranks and locate the sound. Is it aways present?
    – DoNuT
    Commented Mar 23 at 15:54
  • @DoNuT I tried doing that, and yes it is present when I pedal. Spinning the wheels on their now doesn't make any sound, so it doesn't seem like wheel issue.
    – masterfan
    Commented Mar 23 at 16:05
  • Sounds a lot like a dry-ish chain to me. There might be a secondary source of noise but I'd add some more lube while you're trying to diagnose it. That said, that looks like a press-fit BB of some sort, which would be an obvious avenue of investigation. If you press real hard on the forward pedal while holding both brakes, does it creak?
    – oscu0
    Commented Mar 23 at 16:32
  • Have checked the front derailleur position? Is the chain rubbing on it's side?
    – MindDBike
    Commented Mar 25 at 7:57