I'm kitting out my 2006 Avanti Blade for some touring in Tasmania, and the tyres need replacing. Currently they've got some 700x28's on there, but I want to go a bit thicker for touring in case I need to go off road at all. The bike is similar to this.

Will the frame handle these in the 32's?



  • This is the frame, incase anyone can recognise it: (Can't find any specs on the 'net.) [link] (drive.google.com/open?id=1r5dsydd3fsoKYBRLcWDzHV82-svmVos5bw) Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 8:36
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    – andy256
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 21:10

1 Answer 1


If you've got 28 mm tyres on there already, you should be better placed to tell than anyone who hasn't already fitted 32s. Just check that there's a few mm clearance at the sides and top/front (in theory you only need 2mm extra either side but you need a little spare room for flexing, different tyres coming up a diffewrent size etc.). From Sheldon Brown's width table you can see it would be a rare rim that couldn't fit 32s if it could fit 28s, and he admits the table is rahter cautious anyway.

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