I recently got into road cycling, my first and only bike purchase has been a Scott endurance bike. Now that I am getting more and more comfortable on a road bike, a couple of guys I group ride with, are encouraging me to try road racing. I have been to a couple "Intro to crit racing clinics" and am thinking of entering my first CAT 5 race. My question is when beginning to road race, is an endurance bike ok to use? or should I consider purchasing a race bike?

  • 2
    Should be fine - just as long as you stay upright for the whole course then you'll have achieved something. Doesn't matter what position you come in, as long as you're not a DNF. Then again a DNF is better than a DidNotStart !
    – Criggie
    Commented Jul 5, 2017 at 7:24
  • 1
    Also, make sure you get some large fast group riding in before you start. Totally different to riding on your own or with a couple of others.
    – alex
    Commented Jul 5, 2017 at 8:43

1 Answer 1


Yes, an endurance bike will be fine.

I think most people outside Scott's marketing department would be hard pressed to name the differences.

The main differences are likely to be a longer wheelbase, slower steering, and a more upright riding position. Maybe slightly larger tires, but you can change those to whatever you feel you need.

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