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Forget Elden Ring, Bayonetta 3 Is the Best Game of the Year

You can’t always control which games resonate with you the most or why. For me, 2022’s best game was this long-awaited, bewitching, controversial threequel.

Bayonetta 3 didn’t exactly get overlooked. The latest release from PlatinumGames largely earned rave reviews and took home the prize for Best Action Game at the 2022 Game Awards. Still, when it comes to celebrating this year’s best video games, it’s a bit of an outcast. It’s not a AAA behemoth like Elden Ring, a title that took home the Game of the Year (GOTY) during Geoff Keighley's show. It’s not an indie darling like Immortality or Tunic. It doesn’t fit alongside more family-friendly Nintendo Switch games like Kirby and Pokemon. But passion doesn’t care about arbitrary categories.

Bayonetta 3 is the best video game I played this year, and I’m finally ready to explain why (with spoilers).

What Makes Bayonetta 3 a Terrific Game?

To an extent, I already explained why Bayonetta 3 is my GOTY. I’m not going to rewrite my entire, glowing review of the game when you can read it for yourself. However, as far as raw gameplay goes, I stand by all the praise I gave it. Bayonetta 3’s combat mechanics are absolutely exquisite. The precise, thrilling action we first saw in Devil May Cry has been polished to perfection. Bayonetta 3 also introduces so much more creativity and scale (even on Nintendo Switch hardware) by adding massive playable demons to its arsenal. 

The pacing steps back from Bayonetta 2's breakneck momentum, giving credence to reports that it was originally planned to be an open-world game. Still, the slower moments add welcome variety and substance in ways far more interesting than similar moments of downtime in Bayonetta 1. Nothing this year felt better than Bayonetta 3's intricate fighting game-like combos that are needed to rack up high scores. But why did it stick with me so much that even now, months later, I still listen to the music on a loop?

Why Bayonetta 3 Is My GOTY

I spent a lot of time this year thinking about what makes something a “video game of the year.” That’s because I wrote a book, Video Game of theYeaVideo Game of theYear, examining what I believe to be the best and most important games of every year since 1977. Ironically, my pick for 2022 isn’t Bayonetta 3, but Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. If you want to learn why, well, wait until the book is out.

The point is, declaring something a GOTY suggests a major connection between the game and its moment in time, like Sonic the Hedgehog kicking off a 1990s console war or Rock Band making everyone buy plastic instruments in the mid-2000s. Many gamers today will accept nothing less than Elden Ring's enormous open world or God of War Ragnarök’s serious cinematic spectacle as representative of GOTY.

Bayonetta 3

That said, time isn’t just about the larger cultural zeitgeist, it's also about your intimate personal experiences. How a game affects you during a specific time in your life can be far more impactful than how the game chases a fleeting trend. This was the case with me and Bayonetta 3.

A lot happened between Bayonetta 3’s initial reveal in 2017 and its eventual release in 2022. For me, the most important thing was that I got married (while still professionally reviewing dating apps). I know what this is about to sound like. Trust me, I roll my eyes whenever aging game developers suddenly decide they now need to turn their characters into parents. But, frankly, I don’t care if this makes me a terminal wife guy. Reviewing Bayonetta 3 as my first major game after getting married absolutely contributed to how much I loved it. 

I do play some video games with my wife. She made some Super Mario Maker 2 levels that were so hard other games journalists yelled at her. But we didn’t play Bayonetta 3 together. No, I did not get my wife to play this very hard-core technical action game that only now gives you an option to tone down the nudity. (She did try to do the dance, though.) Rather, starting this new phase of our life together just made me feel more vulnerable and receptive to the emotional themes the game sprinkled throughout its ridiculous set pieces, leading up to a very contentious ending. 

To be clear, playing a Bayonetta game first and foremost for its ludicrous plot is fundamentally missing the point. Also, it’s not like I’ve been waiting all this time for Bayonetta to settle down. But the focus on relationships—with your parents, lovers, friends, children, and even versions of yourself—genuinely affected me as this era of Bayonetta came to a close. And considering how dopey that execution actually is, the major change in my own relationship probably influenced me a lot. And that’s OK! That’s how experiencing art works.

Bayonetta 3

Let's Discourse, Boys!

It’s also completely OK to have the exact opposite response. Ever since she debuted, Bayonetta has been not just Hideki Kamiya’s leggy librarian fetish, but a Rorschach test for video game discourse at large. Her presence has sparked worthwhile discussions on nearly every social issue you can think of, including the sexist male gaze, female camp empowerment, bisexuality, reflexive heteronormativity, and cultural differences between Japan and the West when it comes to what counts as positive LGTBQ representation. That’s not even getting into all the drama involving Bayonetta’s former voice actress. Heck, as an overpowered Super Smash Bros. character, she even caused chaos in that community. 

In short, Bayonetta means a lot of different things to different people, even before she got fractured into the multiverse. I don’t know how many Bayonetta fans also watch HBO's Insecure, but something about the community response feels similar to that show's ending. I still think criticisms that Bayonetta 3’s narrative represents some grand betrayal of the character are a little hyperbolic (even for a series this over the top). Viola’s reveal especially seems appropriate, considering how parent/child dynamics have been a franchise element since the very beginning. But to be disappointed by Bayonetta’s ultimate fate, or prefer she choose gorgeous girlfriend Jeanne over bumbling boyfriend Luka, are completely legitimate feelings to have that may lessen your opinion of the game. For me, that simply wasn’t the case.

Art Is Life, Life Is Art

Ultimately, we can’t help what perspectives and backgrounds we bring when we engage with a work, from analyzing a film to enjoying a video game. Our experiences shape who we are, and who we are shapes how we respond. To try and deny that, to only seek out the objective “best,” would just give you pretty boring taste. That’s also why it’s so important to seek out different critical voices. Those are their truths and this is mine.

Bayonetta 3 resonated with me so much that not only did I spend hours capturing and mastering the Kraken, but I also arranged this DIY Bayonetta photoshoot for my first Halloween as a married man. That makes it the best video game of 2022 to me. 

About Jordan Minor