

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Abfallmanagement leicht gemacht. Mit einer Platform alles im Griff.


Resourcify unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, das Ziel Zero Waste und damit eine abfallfreie Zukunft zu erreichen. Durch die Digitalisierung der täglichen Abläufe ermöglicht unsere Recycling-Platform allen Unternehmen, ihre Recyclingprozesse zu verwalten, zu verfolgen und zu verbessern – und dabei gleichzeitig den Verwaltungsaufwand zu senken und bis zu 30 % der Kosten im Vergleich zur herkömmlichen Abfallwirtschaft einzusparen. Tausende von führenden Unternehmen – darunter die Hornbach Baumarkt AG, Syntegon Packaging Technology und das Universitätsklinikum Bonn – nutzen jeden Tag unsere preisgekrönte Recycling-Plattform und vertrauen auf unser Nachhaltigkeitskonzept als Best Practice, um ihre Recyclingprozesse zu verbessern und Abfälle zu reduzieren.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
51–200 Beschäftigte
Waste management, Sustainability, Recycling, Circularity, Technology und Circular Economy


Beschäftigte von Resourcify


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    🌍 The power industry took the lead as the world's top CO₂ emitter in 2022, contributing a staggering 38% to global emissions. The transportation sector wasn't far behind, at just over 20%. This is according to a survey conducted by the European Commission. Since 2000, CO₂ emissions from the global power sector have soared by more than 50%, surpassing 14 billion metric tons annually. Who are the biggest emitters? 🇨🇳 As the world’s largest electricity consumer, China is also the biggest contributor to global power sector emissions by far, generating over 4.7 GtCO₂ in 2022, mainly from coal-fired plants. The United States follows in second place. China, however, wasn't always the world's biggest emitter, but rapid economic growth and industrialisation in recent decades have seen emissions soar. Since 1990, CO₂ emissions in China have increased by more than 400%. In comparison, U.S. CO₂ emissions have fallen by 2.6%. 🏭 Since 1990, global CO₂ emissions have increased by more than 60%. #infographic #statistics #data #climatechange #CO2Emissions #powerindustry #sustainability #circulareconomy

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    👚 What impact will Shein's €200m circularity fund have on the fashion industry in the EU and UK? 👗 Vote in our #polloftheweek 📊 Online fast fashion platform, Shein, announced that it will set up a €200m circularity fund in the EU and UK in a bid to create a future-proofed fashion industry. The platform will need to comply with the Digital Services Act by the end of August. The Singapore-based company said it will help businesses throughout Europe and the UK developing next-generation technologies and solutions, by investing in start-ups working with recycled materials innovation and entering commercial partnerships with start-ups that work in recycled materials. How impactful do you think this will be? 🤔 🎯 Significant positive impact, driving sustainability and innovation 🎯 Moderate impact, some improvements in recycling and circularity 🎯 Minimal impact, limited to a few start-ups 🎯 No impact, a marketing strategy without real change #Sustainability #FashionInnovation #CircularEconomy #Recycling #DigitalServicesAct #FashionIndustry #EU #EUPolicy #EURegulations

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    Was ist das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (KrWG) und wie wird es sich auf Ihr Unternehmen auswirken? ♻️ Felix Heinricy, CBDO und Mitgründer von Resourcify, beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen rund um das KrWG, damit Sie am besten verstehen, warum es wichtig ist und was Sie alles tun müssen. 🚀 🔗 Laden Sie hier unser kostenloses Cheat Sheet herunter: Was ist das KrWG? Das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (KrWG) ist ein umfassender Rahmen, der darauf abzielt, Abfälle zu minimieren, das Recycling zu maximieren und sicherzustellen, dass die Abfallbewirtschaftungspraktiken zum Umweltschutz und zur Ressourceneffizienz in Deutschland beitragen. Es fördert eine nachhaltige Abfallwirtschaft und Ressourcenschonung und legt den Schwerpunkt auf Abfallvermeidung, Wiederverwendung, Recycling, Verwertung und Beseitigung. Darüber hinaus unterstützt es Innovation und Forschung im Bereich der Abfallwirtschaftstechnologien und fördert die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Beteiligten. Das KrWG ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft und des Umweltschutzes in Deutschland, und die Unternehmen spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Umsetzung und dem Erfolg des Programms. 🔗 Möchten Sie mehr erfahren? Laden Sie hier unser kostenloses Cheat Sheet herunter: #Nachhaltigkeit #Kreislaufwirtschaft #Abfallwirtschaft #Recycling #Umweltschutz #Kreislaufwirtschaft #KrWG #Recycling #Deutschland #Vorschriften #DeutscheWirtschaft

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    🇩🇰 Visit Copenhagen and earn free food and activities by going green! ♻️ Starting 15 July, the "CopenPay" scheme rewards tourists with lunches, coffees, wine, and kayak rentals for eco-friendly actions like litter-picking and using public transport. Designed to reduce tourism's environmental impact, this trust-based initiative involves 24 local attractions and runs until 11 August in its initial trial run. 💬 "When you travel abroad - if you fly to other places or you travel by car - you pollute," says the tourist board's communications chief Rikke Holm Petersen. "One of the things we can change is getting people to act more sustainably at the destination." While only a small percentage of visitors are expected to join, the goal is to inspire sustainable habits. If successful, the scheme may extend year-round. Is this a good plan to curb the environmental impacts of tourism? 🤔 #CopenPay #SustainableTravel #VisitCopenhagen #Circularity #CircularEconomy #GoGreen #Sustainability #EU #Europe #Tourism #GoodNews

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    Controversial opinion: We love plastic! ♻️ Well, we love recycling plastic because as true waste enthusiasts, we see so much value in reusing and recirculating materials that at first glance, might be seen as *just* trash. Reduce, Reuse, Resourcify is our motto! For Plastic Free July we're diving into recycled plastic and exploring a few ways on how recycled plastic is used in a circular economy 🟢 Have you seen other recycled plastic uses that intrigued you? Let us know in the comments! 👇 #plasticfreejuly #recycledplastic #recycle #plastic #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #sustainability #innovation

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    Here's a poll to round out your Friday 🗳️ 📊 How ready is your business to adjust to evolving regulations supporting the circular economy? Several key regulations and initiatives have been introduced across Europe to promote the circular economy. These include but are not limited to: 🌱 European Green Deal 🟢 Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) ♻️ Waste Framework Directive ❌ Single-Use Plastics Directive 📦 Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 📝 The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) These regulations and initiatives are part of the EU's broader strategy to transition towards a circular economy, where resource use is minimised, and materials are kept in use for as long as possible through recycling, re-use, and sustainable product design. With many moving parts in the EU's overall commitment to addressing climate change and transitioning towards a more sustainable and resilient economy, we want to better understand if you feel your business is well prepared to adapt to these changes? 🤔 #poll #circulareconomy #circularity #sustainability #climateaction #EU #regulations

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    👋 Meet Angeley Mullins our CCO! ♻️ We asked Angeley a couple of fun questions and she shared her answers with us. 🧖♀️ If she's not at the spa or dreaming for the day she meets Dame Helen Mirren, Angeley is taking care of all things commercial at Resourcify, with an affinity for marketing and compelling ad campaigns! 🙌 If you want to chat with Angeley about the latest ads you've seen, the best spas to go to or to simply just to get to know her better, and Resourcify, feel free to message her here on LinkedIn! #people #team #resourcians #gettoknow #womeninleadership #womenintech #circularity #circulareconomy

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    ❗️The average recycling rate of DAX companies is 69%, which means that 31% are not recycled. Conservatively calculated, this corresponds to at least 4 million tonnes of recyclables per year.❗️ Despite this, we're still seeing rising recycling rates across DAX companies compared to the year before. ♻️ As seen in our infographic based on data collated in Resourcify's Sustainability Index - In 2023, Infineon Technologies, BMW Group, Mercedes-Benz AG, Porsche AG, Daimler Truck AG and SAP reported near 100% recycling rates. 🥇 Infineon even saw one of the largest jumps from a 66% recycling rate reported in 2022, to topping the list at 100% in 2023. However, it should be noted that nearly all companies analysed in Resourcify's Sustainability Index included "thermal recovery" (waste incineration) within their definitions of recycling. 🤔 Should thermal recovery be included in the definition of recycling? What do you think? See our full Sustainability Index via the link in the comments to learn more on where DAX companies are at now 🔗 Note: Many companies are still not publicly reporting on key waste statistics. Since companies are not mandated to report on the volume of waste generated or recycling rates, 25% of DAX companies still do not provide this information publicly. #DAX #DACH #sustainability #report #circulareconomy #RSI #germany #circularity

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    ❗️22 million tonnes of plastic leaked into the environment in 2019 (latest data available), with 19.4 Mt being macroplastics due to poor disposal practices.❗️ 💡 The vast majority (19.4 Mt) are macroplastics, and most (82%) found their way into the natural environment as a result of inadequate collection and disposal - aka poor waste management. Other leakage routes include littering or fly-tipping (5%), and marine activities (1%). 💡 Microplastics also make up a sizeable share of total leakage (12%), largely reaching the environment through wear to tyres and road markings, as well as the accidental loss of plastic pellets and washing of synthetic textile fibres. 🌏 Leakage occurs in all regions, but there are significant geographical differences in leakage drivers. OECD countries contribute 14% to the global leakage but 36% of microplastic leakage. Non-OECD countries account for 86% of the plastic leakage, driven mainly by the high amount of mismanaged waste ending up in the environment. 📈 Mismanaged waste leakage has doubled since 2000, highlighting the urgent need for better waste management in growing economies. Addressing these issues is crucial to combat persistent plastic pollution and rising microplastic leakage globally. Source: OECD - OCDE Global Plastic Outlook #Sustainability #WasteManagement #PlasticPollution #EnvironmentalProtection #Circularity #CircularEconomy #Infographic #Statistics #PlasticFreeJuly

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    👋 A warm welcome to Mihaela-Adelina Persa, our new VP of Engineering! 💚 We're happy to share with you that Adelina has officially joined Resourcify as our VP of Engineering 🚀 Adelina has years of experience and an ambition to drive positive change for Resourcify and the greater world through technology and circular economy solutions. 💬 "I am passionate about contributing to initiatives that drive us toward a better future, so I’m excited to join Resourcify, a company that truly cares about sustainability and innovative waste management solutions. I look forward to working with a talented team to develop technology that improves efficiency and supports environmental responsibility. My goal is to build and lead the engineering team that creates impactful solutions for our customers, fostering a culture of collaboration and efficiency in a safe and supportive environment." Welcome Adelina! 👋 We are also looking for more people to join Adelina in our Product and Engineering teams. If you have a drive for a circular future and want to contribute with action, check out our careers page on our website to see what positions are currently available ✅ #people #resourcify #circulareconomy #womeninleadership #womenintech #newcomers #engineering #hiring

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