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giardia's user avatar
giardia's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Oakland CA, USA
28 votes

Why is Neptune a darker blue than Uranus?

7 votes

Which JWST instrument modes are compatible with observations of the bright trans-Earth planets Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn? Which aren't?

7 votes

Is possible to identify the Lagrange L2 point in the sky from the earth?

6 votes

Can Jupiter's rings be seen with the naked eye by an astronaut nearby? How difficult would it be?

5 votes

Why aren't concentrated solar power plants use for astronomical observations of some type?

4 votes

What if Earth’s moon started rotating?

4 votes

For what aspects of cosmology research can a software engineer contribute?

4 votes

How did this artefact end up in the SIMBAD sky map?

4 votes

HD numbers according to the positions

4 votes

How often and for what reasons does Hubble use two different instruments at the same time?

4 votes

Are the planets Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune losing mass?

4 votes

How did Parker Solar Probe take what looks like 2D cross-sections of the solar wind in photographs; high contrast streaks in focus from volume effect?

4 votes

Trouble Seeing Distant Planets Such as Jupiter and Uranus

3 votes

What is the maximum latitude from which a satellite in a geostationary orbit around Saturn would be visible to an observer on the planet?

3 votes

Do point spread functions from large single telescopes using adaptive optics still look like Airy functions for narrow-band filters?

3 votes

How to compute a Flux through a filter using SYNPHOT in Python

2 votes

Can you distinguish a transit from an eclipse when observing Galilean moons?

2 votes

Can Jupiter's rings be seen with the naked eye by an astronaut nearby? How difficult would it be?

2 votes

Is Jupiter's Red Spot "locked in place" or does it move around?

2 votes

How dark are eclipses of Jupiter's moon by the planet?

2 votes

About the formation of ice giants and gas giants

2 votes

What exactly did ALMA observe at 20 AU from the "Mega Comet Arriving From the Oort Cloud" that will pass in 2031?

1 vote

Which of the blocked radiation windows will (mostly) open if one where to observe from the surface of Mars, instead of the Earth?

1 vote

Why are there gaps in the size distribution of solar system moons?

1 vote

What telescopes used 1000+ pixel Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for multispectral, single photon counting (time + energy of photons)?

1 vote

Star and Planet temperature relationship

1 vote

What will happen when landing on Jupiter?

1 vote

How to calculate the limb darkening $\mu$ value

0 votes

When using adaptive optics, what is the shortest timescale of atmospheric changes in refractive index that astronomers have to deal with?

0 votes

What stops terrestrial planets from becoming watery gas giants with water vapour atmospheres?