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Alchimista's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
How can photoionization release photons? As in the coronal emission of a nova star?
Generally speaking, without or with specific relation to astronomy, emissions from an ion does not even imply recombination. The attained ion can be in an excited state and relax by emission, too.
If Theia did collide with Earth, would it have produced rings? If so, would we expect to still see at least some remnants today?
@DavidHammen that is often neglected. Even discussing planets owing to their definition taken as "solely hold by gravity" rather than "shaped by gravity".
Can the Dark Matter / Energy problem be plausibly reframed as an ignorance of gravity problem?
This is what I have asked at Physics SE and, perhaps due to my formulation ("dark gravity") it was treated like pseudoscience. But at least some comments mentioned MOND, that is more on the direction of what we are asking,ie a different behaviour of gravity. This would mean that GR as to be improved, besides the famous conflict at quantum scale. Plus 1.
If we could fly off edge of observable universe what would happen?
I think you mean the cosmological principle not the equivalence one. And that brings us to the answer given by @planetmaker. Than of course science is ready to correct itself.
If we could fly off edge of observable universe what would happen?
Still there is no reason to expect anything special. Ie someone who is already at about our visible universe edge can cross that border in few steps and nothing happens. This is just the cosmological principle pushed a few meters. Is when it is said that universe is infinite (or it can be so). But I see that planetmaker fixes the above, already.
What was the erratically jumping star like object
It seems a drone, from your description
balmer alpha , beta line intensity
Cross posted on Physics SE
How else can a star form, other than gravitational collapse?
Perhaps the "other" implicit in "almost all" refers to subsequent stages of the star lifespan, or "this process" refers to the exact process with all its fine details. On first approximation all new stars should form the same.
Logically, how can the universe be infinite in size?
I am with Pela, although I understand that even if the Universe is finite, we the humans will naturally continue to think that something finite is embedded in something bigger. That is because we are not dealing with absolutely nothing (no space even) since evolution started. It is likely true that cosmology will always pose philosophical troubles or will remain a wonder.
Image of the black hole
That ring isn't the accretion disk. The latter isn't visible in the pic. Yes indeed "is a globe". The key is that you see or detect what reaches your eyes or antennas.
Will there be collision between universes?
The spheres you have in mind are the visibile and the observable Universe. Actually beyond them there is still our Universe. According to current knowledge it goes far far away, perhaps it is infinite. There might be other universes but they should not be out there. They should be other universes in their own spaces.
Why haven't we had an "asteroid attack" until now?
Also, suppose two asteroid merge. If they do, most likely they overall momentum gets lower while their mass increases. So they will be again under the attraction of Jupiter. But I am going far. This is just to say that the situation is far from the scenario implicit in your question. The system is certainly more complicated and especially somewhat stable.
What is the nature of the "blind spot issue" in asteroid detection systems?
Much like spotting a bird that is crossing the sky towards the sun
Why haven't we had an "asteroid attack" until now?
Asteroid belts are far from being a billiard pool.
I'm considering buying a telescope, which type should I choose?
less buying and commercially oriented - this way
Meaning of "blue continuum spectrum"?
Note that the black body spectrum is not the spread of emission lines. At least not if standard dictionary is used.
Is Carl Sagan's famous "snowflake" quote correct?
Do you mean the assertion is true or he made it?
Can earth grazers skip on the atmosphere more than once?
I did voted for both current answer although one says yes and the other not :) I do have a little question. Since the phenomenon occurs at least for object disintegrating or landing, can it explains certain waving falling stars that I have seen in photos with an otherwise unblurred firm background?
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