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Unanswered Questions

100 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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cross-matched SDSS-WISE catalog

Please where can I find cross-matched SDSS and WISE dataset for a machine learning project? (Galaxy-star-qso classification task)
2 votes
0 answers

BVR photometry and Luminiscense

I have the values from B, V and R filters. How do I obtain the total luminescence of a star? My ultimate aim is to find the relative masses and luminescence of various stars/galaxies in a galactic ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why MIT's Benjamin Rackham says "nearby ultracool dwarf SPECULOOS-3" would look "purplish-red, spotted, and flaring" from an airless orbiting planet?

May 15, 2024 MIT News article Newly discovered Earth-sized planet may lack an atmosphere includes the following: “We can say from our spectra and other observations that the star has a temperature of ...
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0 answers

How to identify Hydrogen lines of slitless spectrograph of Type A9 star

Hi I am analysing slitless spectrograph of type A9 star Canopus. Here is as sample of the spectrograph. I basically did a simple summing up of the columns and added the data (as a simple spectrum co- ...
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0 answers

calculating Sun's J band mag via integrating the Planck’s law

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Errors in SDSS photometry

In plotting out the magnitude errors in SDSS photometry, I get the following pattern: Why do the errors go up to about 0.5, then down? In other words, why does it look like a high-heeled shoe (or ...
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0 answers

magnitude calculation if a blackbody's radius and temperature are provided

I know it is necessary to convolve its spectrum with the transmission curve of a filter. Are there any online tools or codes available for calculating a BB's magnitude in any specific band (e.g., ...
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0 answers

How do you calculate the reddening corrections for photometry?

I have photometric data from Gaia for a star and am trying to de-redden the colors. I need to find the reddening corrections for the photometry. I have photometry for G, BP, and RP. To start I am ...
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0 answers

How do you convert from the Gaia photometric system to Johnson-Cousin?

I have Gaia photometry (G, G_bp, and G_rp) and need to convert it to the Johnson Cousin system. In the Data release 3 (DR3) documentation they provide tables of how to do this but I’m very confused by ...
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0 answers

How to convert flux to flux density for a synthetic spectrum?

I have several model SEDs generated by the CLOUDY spectral synthesis code. The data is formatted with one wavelength column and one flux column. I wish to perform Hubble synthetic photometry on these ...
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0 answers

Calculate change in spectral line intensity for a change in temperature

I am trying to do some simple modelling of spectral line emission. I am starting with some ALMA observations of a protoplanetary disk, where the emission from a particular molecule at frequency 344GHz ...
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0 answers

What is a good resource for finding accurate apparent magnitudes stars in different filters?

I am unable to find this information online, does anyone know of a database, book, or website that contains all of the B-band, V-band, I-band etc.... apparent magnitudes for each star? Thanks for any ...
3 votes
0 answers

SExtractor parameters for identifying Star Forming regions

I am using SExtractor (Source Extractor) to identify Star-Forming regions in a galaxy. The problem is I am unable to choose the parameters required for it. SExtractor is just a tool to identify the ...
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0 answers

What instruments do amateur astronomers use in their ground based telescopes in order to avoid atmospheric absorption/telluric contamination?

What instruments do amateur astronomers use in their ground based telescopes in order to avoid atmospheric absorption/telluric contamination? For example, when an astronomer observes a celestial body ...
2 votes
0 answers

What could these LMC objects in this color-color diagram be?

I have performed a color-color and colour-magnitude plot of various sources detected in an LMC image (JWST NIRCAM F200W, F150W and F115W filters). I then also queried SIMBAD to collect relevant ...

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