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Questions on astronomical objects orbiting a star massive enough to be rounded, not massive enough to cause fusion, and which have cleared its orbit of planetesimals.

5 votes

Have we observed other habitable planets like Earth?

Being the only (known) planet in its system might mean more (and bigger) moons too, but then... only having one planet is a bit boring. The star's age isn't very certain: 3.813±2.970. … The only planet with a decent moon orbit is probably too small for a moon of sufficient mass. GJ 1061 d: 4.6/10 life, 5/10 cool-factor. ST ±98. …
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What do chthonian planets look like?

Obviously, a chthonian is going to be hot, but what colours could it have? What would the surface composition be? Would it keep patterns from the gas-bands it used to have, or would those have been fa …
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