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Questions tagged [polaris]

For questions involving Polaris, the current North star.

8 votes
4 answers

Are the North Star and the moon ever visible in the night sky at the same time?

Wanting to have some artwork done for a story I've written. It doesn't happen in the story, but for the artwork, is it realistic to have both the North Star and the moon visible in the sky at the same ...
Hopeful1's user avatar
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How to polar align equatorial mount if I see only small part of sky at south-east?

My mount is located on balcony where I can't see the polar star. I have only one window here which points to the eastern south. I limited by small piece of sky near the ecliptic plane between 120 ...
Robotex's user avatar
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1 answer

When was/will Polaris's declination be maximised?

When was/will Polaris's declination be maximised? In what year was/will Polaris be closest to the north celestial pole.
blademan9999's user avatar