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Questions tagged [lofar]

The Low-Frequency Array radio telescope operated by Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) and its partners, extending across Europe. Top frequency 240 MHz, sub-arcsecond resolution.

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Why is it called "The LOFAR 'superterp'"? What is a terp, and what's so super about this one?

Wikipedia's Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) includes the image below with the caption: The LOFAR core ("superterp") near Exloo, Netherlands. The bridges give an idea of the scale. Question: ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What is notable about LOFAR's sub-arcsecond radio resolution of distant galaxies? Does lower freq. range enable new capabilities that mm wave can't?

The BBC's Astronomers see galaxies in ultra-high definition covers some news related to papers in Astronomy & Astrophysics' dedicated, open access issue Sub-arcsecond imaging with the ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why did it take five years to "figure out" how to use astrometric calibration sources to deblur LOFAR images?

Quanta Magazine's The Hidden Magnetic Universe Begins to Come Into View is a fascinating review of a rapidly evolving field in astronomy. It contains some statements: In their paper last year, van ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Open dataset from antenna array

I am looking for a raw radio-astronomic antenna array dataset of relatively modest size (on the order a few MB, or even less), to evaluate a data processing algorithm. The dataset ideally should be ...
Mikhail Kagalenko's user avatar
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How is it determined that the X-ray and radio intensity come from a magnetic field bridge between two clusters of galaxies?

Gizmodo's Astronomers Spot Mysterious, 10-Million-Light-Year-Long Magnetic Field Connecting Two Galaxy Clusters shows the image below, and's A Weird 'Radio Bridge' 10 Million-Light Years ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What could be observed with LOFAR in 230 MHz - 10.0 MHz wavelength?

Nuclear astrophysics greatly interests me and i was wondering if there is something that could be observed with the LOFAR project in this wavelength that would benefit the field? Also some general ...
Moondefender's user avatar
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Estimate the number of pixels required to map the full primary beam of a Radio Telescope station

I am practising some exam questions for a radio interferometry exam, and I am struggling with this question: The physical size of a single LOFAR station, operating at 150MHz is about 50m. Estimate ...
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