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What does a narrow-band "point spread function" look like for long exposures from the VLT's large interferometric aperture?

In interferometric radio astronomy UV plots are the first step in understanding what a point spread function (PSF) will look like for a given location in the sky observed over a period of time. The ...
2 votes
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Will the Magdalena Ridge Optical Interferometer be able to image extended objects like the surface of the Moon?

Inspired by several questions: When will a moon landing site be visible via telescope? Could the E.H.T. produce an image of the human artifacts on the moon? Picture of equipment left on the Moon? ...
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How does speckle imaging fit in to 21st century high resolution imaging from ground based observatories?'s Astronomers uncover evidence that there could be many more Earth-sized planets than previously thought references Speckle Observations of TESS Exoplanet Host Stars. II. Stellar Companions ...