
I am trying to find the coordinates of my bundles of gas on the gaia ($G, G_{bp}-G_{rp}$) hr diagram. I have its spectrum in $\nu L_\nu$ coordinates. Thus far, my attempts have mainly been to integrate to find the passband ($x = G, G_{bp}, G_{rp}$) luminosity $$L_x = \int B_x \frac{\nu L_\nu}{\nu}d\nu = \int B_x L_\nu d\nu$$ Where $B_x$ is the response, and then use D = 10 parsecs to get the flux $$F_x = \frac{L_x}{4\pi D^2}$$ Then, using the zero points $Z_x$ to get the magnitudes $$G_x = -2.5 \log F_x + Z_x$$ However, this results in my gas being extremely dim in the visible, G comes out to be as large as 100 in some cases. Am I using the passbands incorrectly? Theoretically, as a crude approximation, the Bremsstrahlung (free-free) radiation alone should be within a few orders of magnitude of white dwarfs, completely disagreeing with these results.



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