
So I know this is a loose proof and a lot of assumptions are made, but I do not understand how these assumptions lead to the quantities we obtain so I will be asking questions at each step:

start with the Virial theorem $$2T = U$$ then define $$T = \frac{1}{2} M_{gal} V^2_{characteristic} , U = \frac{-G M_{gal}^2}{R_{gal}}$$

  • what is $V_{characteristic}$ the velocity of ?
  • why is the potential defined this way? I know for gravitational potential we have $U = \frac{-G m_1 m_2}{R_{gal}}$ but why is $m_1 =m_2$ here? what does this mean physically?

later in the proof a surface brightness is defined if we were to take "all spirals have the same surface brightness at their centers" to be $I_0 = \frac{L}{\pi R_{gal}^2}$

  • How was the relationship between the luminosity and surface brightness obtained ? and how does our assumption get us to this relation?
  • I am assuming $R_{gal}$ is the radius of the galaxy , why is it used in this relation?


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