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Questions about 16.04 are off-topic on Ask Ubuntu. Sixth LTS (Long Term Support) release of Ubuntu, code-named "Xenial Xerus". Released on April 21, 2016. Reached End of Standard Support (ESS) on April 30, 2021.

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) was released on 21st April, 2016 and reached its End of Standard Support (ESS) on April 30, 2021. Questions about 16.04 are off-topic on Ask Ubuntu.

Release notes: Xenial Xerus

The sixth stable and Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu. Canonical will provide support for five years due to popularity of LTS usage in businesses:

  • Two years of support will include hardware updates
  • Remaining three years will consist of maintenance upgrades.

Notable new features:

  • 5 year support term
  • Linux kernel 4.4
  • Unity online search disabled by default
  • Unity launcher can be repositioned
  • ZFS (file system)
  • Ubuntu Software Center replaced with GNOME Software

Flavors and editions:

Ubuntu Flavors available under 16.04 (questions on all are allowed):

The 16.04 Ubuntu variants are not commercially supported by Canonical.

Ubuntu Editions available under 16.04 (questions on all are allowed):

Ubuntu releases: