Installed Linux Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Booted to black screen
Probably cause of NVidia Graphics Card
Tried to boot replacing quiet splash with nomodeset in the grub menu and then:

enter image description here

Nomodeset mode boots to another dead end. This adding swap thing lasts for a couple of minutes and then goes to black screen.

What can I do to resolve this?


1 Answer 1


if you have an internal graphics card in addition to your nvidea graphics card you can try to temporarily remove the nvidea card (or disable it in BIOS/UEFI), install ubuntu, then the nvidea drivers and finally reactivate the nvidea card: see also this answer: https://askubuntu.com/a/755667/538840

or you can try to use ubuntu 16.04, which may already include the relevant drivers.

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