I've been using Guake on my laptop and my desktop and everything has been fine until I recently bought a new HD and did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10.

I installed Guake and it works fine except for when I try to use GNU screen:

wayne@arglefraster:~$ screen -xRR
Please set a terminal type.
wayne@arglefraster:~$ echo $TERM

In my Guake config preferences I have /bin/bash set as my default interpreter - which is the same thing that I have on my laptop. Both xterm and gnome-terminal shows xterm as the TERM value, and even ctrlaltF1 shows linux.

So how do I get Guake to use the proper TERM value so I can avoid having to export TERM=xterm in my Guake every time?

1 Answer 1


It looks like you are experiencing this launchpad bug.

Given that you are now using the unsupported 10.10, this will not be fixed for this release. A workaround is the best you can expect unless you install and compile your own later version of Guake and GNU screen.

Post #73 gives a suggested workaround - reproduced below:

echo "export TERM=xterm" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/set_term.sh && source /etc/profile

Alternatively add:

[ "$TERM" = dumb ] && export TERM=xterm 

to your ~/.bashrc


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