just installed texlive 2012 on my ubuntu and I have no xelatex.

There is one in Mac distribution. Is Ubuntu's "special"? I'll be glad for help.


1 Answer 1


It depends on what metapackage you've installed TeXLive with. There's basic ones, regular ones and full ones. I believe that the installation of texlive-full does pull XeLaTeX it in.

If you need the command-line tool xelatex, you'll just need to install texlive-xetex.

To teach fishing, rather than feed you fish:

  • Go to packages.ubuntu.com

  • Scroll down to Search the contents of packages

  • select packages that contain files whose names end with the keyword

  • fill in xelatex

  • Hit search.

  • Enjoy the results, e.g.

    /usr/bin/xelatex   texlive-xetex
  • To search descriptions from the command line, you can use ~d in front of the search pattern. For example: aptitude search ~dxelatex
    – wting
    Commented Dec 26, 2013 at 3:38
  • apt-file search xelatex Commented Mar 8, 2014 at 6:53

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