Recently I found my old laptop Compaq Presario CQ61 from 2010 and decided to install Linux on it. Firstly I installed SSD. After it Ive installed Ubuntu and thats how it was booting: laptop shows logo and after it I only see black screen with white line blinking on top left for 4 minutes, and only after it I see Ubuntu logo and booting to user choose menu. I tried to install Windows on it and I also see this white line on the top but only for 2-3 frames and Windows logo just after that. It fully boots within 20 seconds. After it Ive installed Kubuntu and now it boots at 1 minute only when I tapping Enter button all the time after laptop logo. It way better than 4 minutes but I really want to laptop boot on its own. Im seeking for any advice, should I change something in bios? please feel free to ask for any additional information

May a problem be in the fact it use noveau driver? My GPU is G 103M and needs 340 ver of Nvidia driver and its last version is for 5.4 kernel while Im on 6.8.

  • 1
    If 2010, it should be BIOS only. And that old the noveau driver should be ok. Did you install Ubuntu or Kubuntu. I use Kubuntu and was able to boot it on my 2006 laptop from an external SSD. But I had tuned that install by removing all snaps and making other changes. While link is 20.04, I did same changes to 22.04 & to 24.04. askubuntu.com/questions/1284302/…
    – oldfred
    Commented Jul 2 at 21:47
  • Your Compaq Presario CQ61's hardware should be able to run Ubuntu and it does, but its low performance is at least partially due to its weak hardware.
    – karel
    Commented Jul 3 at 7:01


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