I have managed to boot into Ubuntu-Studio 24.04 live from pxe , so now I am running around in the live session desktop environment. I can also see the "install" icon on the desktop , which -in previous versions- would normally allow me to start the installation of ubuntu-studio to some local hard disk.

unfortunately the new installer does fully load: I see the window titled "welcome to Ubuntu Studio" popping up and internally the windows contents show a circling whisker and "Preparing Ubuntu Studio" but it does not go anywhere from there.

I think a picture is self-explanatory here:


do you have any idea how to see some progress here ? Alternatively can I start the installer from the terminal ?

thank you for your help!

note: this thread is titled similarly but it did not help.
note2: during pxe boot no grub pops up to allow me to select to install directly to the local hard disk note3: the /dev/sda is already visible in the OS and the partition table has been set using cfdisk (partition table type : gpt)

1 Answer 1


As of this writing, Ubuntu Studio has never been tested against, and therefore does not support, PXE boot.

Source: I'm the Ubuntu Studio lead.

  • after discussing with U.St. lead it appears the multi-layered squashfs approach used by the ubuntu-bootstrap-subiquity server (which came to replace ubuntu-installer) is somehow affected by the pxeboot (probably because of the kernel option "ignore_uuid" which was necessary to get the image to boot into live session anyway.
    – nass
    Commented Jun 22 at 21:32
  • Just to be more precise, that would be ubuntu-desktop-provision which provides ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap and acts as a graphical frontend to a subiquity server in the localhost. We could speculate until eternity why it doesn't work properly. subiquity itself is used as the installer for Ubuntu Server and, as I understand it, is PXE bootable, but also might not be a layered image, so we've entered pure speculation territory. Commented Jun 23 at 22:39

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