I need to connect to an X2Go server from my Raspberry Pi 5 running Ubuntu 24.04. I've installed the x2goclient package using apt. However, every time I connect to the server, the application crashes before the remote desktop is rendered. The console output is "segmentation fault". I have also tried Remmina with the X2Go plugin (sudo apt install -y remmina-plugin-x2go) but without success. Remmina also crashes when connecting. The connection works when I connect with X2Go for windows from another PC, so the server is fine.

Any ideas on how to get an X2Go client connection on Ubuntu 24.04 for RPi5?

1 Answer 1


Check and make sure you're not using wayland, just had this issue this morning.

I installed the remmina-plugin-x2go and when I tried to make a connection using remmina it said something wasn't supported on wayland, log into X session and the original client works fine.

  • Sounds promising. I am quite sure I am using wayland. How would I log into X session? Or is it somehow possible to just have remmina use X11 for rendering its interface while the system is running in wayland? Commented May 23 at 18:44
  • Apoligies for the late response, logout of your desktop environment and when you select your user to log back in, before you enter your password there should be a settings wheel where you can select X11 or wayland. Commented May 28 at 19:48
  • That worked, thank you so much :) Commented May 29 at 21:38

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