I have tried using:

sudo apt purge microsoft-edge-dev
sudo apt remove microsoft-edge-dev
sudo apt purge microsoft-edge
sudo apt remove microsoft-edge

But I get the errors Package microsoft-edge-dev is not installed, so not removed and Unable to locate package microsoft-edge.

Edge is still in my favourites bar and opens normally.

  • @wha7ever oh god please no... Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 23:45

4 Answers 4


You can use APT's support for wildcards, uninstalling all versions of Edge you might have:

sudo apt purge 'microsoft-edge-*'
  • 2
    This is a more general answer. Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 9:41
  • "I say we take off and nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
    – John C
    Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 15:23

Depending on what you installed, try:

sudo apt purge microsoft-edge-stable


sudo apt purge microsoft-edge-beta


sudo apt purge microsoft-edge-canary
  • 1
    sudo apt purge microsoft-edge-beta worked thanks ! There are so many versions I thought I just couldnt uninstall it.
    – Vukašin
    Commented Dec 10, 2021 at 17:00

This happens if you mis-spell the package name. Try running

apt list --installed | grep edge 


apt list --installed | grep microsoft

If you're using Ubuntu 19.10 or newer, or Debian Bullseye or newer, you can check if you have anything installed and named like microsoft with:

apt list ~i~nmicrosoft

Similarly, you can remove (any) with:

apt purge ~i~nmicrosoft

This uses the new syntax (apt 2.0) that lists:

  • ~i: installed packages
  • ~n<pattern>: packages whose names match the given RegEx pattern (partial match, not full match). We're using ~nmicrosoft here so any package having microsoft in its name gets selected.

For example, on my workstation with Ubuntu 20.04:

ubuntu@iBug-Server:~$ apt list ~i~nmicrosoft
Listing... Done
microsoft-edge-stable/stable 96.0.1054.53-1 amd64 [upgradable from: 96.0.1054.43-1]
packages-microsoft-prod/focal,now 1.0-ubuntu20.04.1 all [installed]

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