I have a weired sympton with a fresh Windos 10 guest OS under VirtualBox 5.1.28 under Ubutunu-MATE 16.04:

I can't move the window at all, when [x] Auto Capture Keyboard is on.

Neither dragging the outer windows borders (resize), nor the titlebar (indeed just move the virtuabl box. So this is not about auto-resize on or off...). If I deactivate the option, things work fine again. (I do not even understand the relation). – sounds like a virtual box bug? Can't reproduce the opposite, but I have been working with virtual box (and Win7 guests) for long, never encountered this until 2 weeks ago.

enter image description here

But then, common shortcuts I have defined in host and guest, don't work on the guest but rather the host (i.e. WIN-R to get a run programm...). So, of course capturing is desirable.

  • I have been having this problem too(various guest os's) although for me unchecking "Auto Capture Keyboard" is good enough of a solution for me.
    – silverduck
    Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 20:49
  • Possible duplicate askubuntu.com/questions/1088850/…
    – acgbox
    Commented Nov 23, 2018 at 23:29

4 Answers 4


I find the same thing when imwheel is running, the utility that allows change to the mouse wheel. Holding down the Right-Control dows allow VirtualBox windows to be moved around.

  • Instant hit. 👍 I couldn't move as described, I did a killall imwheel, I instantly could! (not even restart of OS or Virtualbox or anything). Thanx!
    – Frank N
    Commented Mar 28, 2019 at 9:23
  • I had to press host key before each move/resize
    – d9k
    Commented Jul 16, 2021 at 13:06

For some reason, the auto capture of Virtual Box seems to conflict with the way how dragging a window from the title bar works

One easy workaround for this is to press the "Host key" (right control by default) to temporarily turn off auto capture mode, so you move the window around normally. (The status of keyboard capture, and the Host key, can be seen in the lower right of VirtualBox)


Just uncheck "Auto Capture Keyboard" was enough for me

  • 1
    Works fine but what if I want that too? LOL Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 7:12

Workaround: We can move a VM window when it has not the focus. No need to press the rigth Ctrl. Here is a video recorded: https://video.antopie.org/videos/watch/8c69f9e5-d844-4f80-b30d-01456e2fa6eb

  • I am not fully getting what you are doing different (sorry. Perhaps because because I have no audio at hand)
    – Frank N
    Commented Aug 13, 2020 at 13:48

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