I started by using the USB install creator form my 12.10 installation, with the 12.10 image.

on my bios i disable safe boot, and enable legacy mode (or CSM a my bios calls it).

I reboot and press the key that the BIOS demands to select boot device.

in the list I have:

  • P0: Windows boot manager
  • UEFI: USB my_pen_drive_brand
  • USB: my_pen_drive_brand

If I select "UEFI: usb" it will flash the screen, and go back to the same menu... if i select it again, it will flash the screen and boot windows.

If I select "USB" i boot into the legacy mode for the installer just fine and everything works. But i'm following the UEFI guide and since I want to dual boot with windows8, if I understood the guide correctly, i Must install in UEFI mode.

So, i can select this "USB" and get:

enter image description here

but the guide says i must select "UEFI: USB" and get this:

enter image description here

Or am I messing things up? Does the fact that windows8 can boot from P0 (when safeboot is enabled it shows "UEFI: P0" or something) means i can install ubuntu in legacy mode?

1 Answer 1


disregard that, I've downloaded the 32bit image by mistake.

Will not delete the question as it may help somebody.

  • I recommend expanding this answer to explain why the 64-bit version is necessary in this situation. Then this question and answer will be clearly helpful to others in similar situations. Commented Mar 28, 2013 at 15:07
  • i have no idea :) i Do know that UEFI firmware and it's tools that run on the OS must be of the same architecture (hence a 64bit firmware can't be talked to using 32bit OS tools), but why the firmware and tools are only included in ubuntu 64 is beyond me. it's just a fact for now, if you want UEFI support in ubuntu, you must use the 64bit version. more: wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/…
    – gcb
    Commented Mar 28, 2013 at 18:47

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