Is there a step by step procedure to set up a shared pdf printer on 20.04?

I have installed a cups pdf printer which works fine on my Ubuntu 20.04 desktop host.

From the GUI >> Printers >> Additional Printer Settings my pdf printer is shared. The Device URI: = cups-pdf:/ But I do not see this printer from a Windoze (sic) or other 20.04 PCs on my network or from Android phones or networked iPads.

I know that I may need to change setting in:


and possibly access:


But I have not found any procedures that works or make sense.

Is there a simple method using the GUI?

Is there a step by step published?

I have looked at https://www.steveroot.co.uk/virtual-pdf-printer-for-our-small-office-network-a-step-by-step-how-to.html but it does more than I need.

I am looking print to pdf at home from mobiles, iPads and Windoze clients.

Output from:

sudo cupsctl
  • You misspelled "Windows"
    – user535733
    Commented Jan 25, 2021 at 17:34
  • Give the output of sudo cupsctl.
    – brian_p
    Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 15:39

1 Answer 1


From the GUI >> Printers >> Additional Printer Settings my pdf printer is shared.

This provides the potential for the sharing of that particular printer to take place. But the printing system has to cooperate with your intention. At present, cupsctl shows _share_printers=0. Use cupsctl --share-printers to change this to _share_printers=1.

  • That seems to work. Had to fiddle about with the driver for some reason. I am struggling still with various clients on my home network. iPads seem to work. Will check out other clients including: Android, Ubuntu 20.04 and Windoze (sic) 10. PDFs are arriving in ~/PDF which is fine for me. But not sure how this is specified. I am not sure where path = /var/spool/cups-pdf/out features in my /etc/samba/smb.conf
    – user824808
    Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 23:41
  • 1
    Where the PDFs end up may be specified in /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf. The default suits me. I am unfamiliar with smb.
    – brian_p
    Commented Jan 30, 2021 at 17:48

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