
Further author information: (Send correspondence to Giovanni De Cesare)
Giovanni De Cesare: E-mail: giovanni.decesare@inaf.it, Telephone: +39 051 6398776

The evaluation of the CUSP scientific performance by a GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation

Giovanni De Cesare INAF-OAS Bologna, via Piero Gobetti 93/3, 40129 Bologna, Italy Sergio Fabiani INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Riccardo Campana INAF-OAS Bologna, via Piero Gobetti 93/3, 40129 Bologna, Italy Giovanni Lombardi INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa ”Mario Lucenti”, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Via Cracovia 50, 00133 Roma, Italy Ettore Del Monte INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Enrico Costa INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Ilaria Baffo DEIM, Universitá degli studi della Tuscia, Largo dell’Universitá, 01100 Viterbo, Italy Sergio Bonomo IMT s.r.l., via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza 30, 00161 Rome, Italy Daniele Brienza ASI, Via del Politecnico snc 00133 - Roma, Italy Mauro Centrone INAF-OAR, Via Frascati 33, 00040, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy Gessica Contini SCAI Connect s.r.l., Via Francesco Gentile 135, 00173 Rome, Italy Giovanni Cucinella IMT s.r.l., via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza 30, 00161 Rome, Italy Andrea Curatolo Alma Mater Studiorum Universitá di Bologna - Department of Industrial Engineering and Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Aerospace Research, Via Fontanelle 40, 47121 Forlí, Italy Nicolas De Angelis INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Andrea Del Re SCAI Connect s.r.l., Via Francesco Gentile 135, 00173 Rome, Italy Sergio Di Cosimo INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Simone Di Filippo IMT s.r.l., via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza 30, 00161 Rome, Italy Alessandro Di Marco INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Giuseppe Di Persio INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Immacolata Donnarumma ASI, Via del Politecnico snc 00133 - Roma, Italy Pierluigi Fanelli DEIM, Universitá degli studi della Tuscia, Largo dell’Universitá, 01100 Viterbo, Italy Paolo Leonetti SCAI Connect s.r.l., Via Francesco Gentile 135, 00173 Rome, Italy Alfredo Locarini Alma Mater Studiorum Universitá di Bologna - Department of Industrial Engineering and Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Aerospace Research, Via Fontanelle 40, 47121 Forlí, Italy Pasqualino Loffredo INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Gabriele Minervini INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Dario Modenini Alma Mater Studiorum Universitá di Bologna - Department of Industrial Engineering and Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Aerospace Research, Via Fontanelle 40, 47121 Forlí, Italy Fabio Muleri INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Silvia Natalucci ASI, Via del Politecnico snc 00133 - Roma, Italy Andrea Negri IMT s.r.l., via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza 30, 00161 Rome, Italy Massimo Perelli IMT s.r.l., via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza 30, 00161 Rome, Italy Monia Rossi INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Alda Rubini INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Emanuele Scalise INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Paolo Soffitta INAF-IAPS, via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy Andrea Terracciano ASI, Via del Politecnico snc 00133 - Roma, Italy Paolo Tortora Alma Mater Studiorum Universitá di Bologna - Department of Industrial Engineering and Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Aerospace Research, Via Fontanelle 40, 47121 Forlí, Italy Emauele Zaccagnino ASI, Via del Politecnico snc 00133 - Roma, Italy Alessandro Zambardi SCAI Connect s.r.l., Via Francesco Gentile 135, 00173 Rome, Italy

The CUbesat Solar Polarimeter (CUSP) project is a CubeSat mission orbiting the Earth aimed to measure the linear polarization of solar flares in the hard X-ray band by means of a Compton scattering polarimeter. CUSP will allow to study the magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in the flaring magnetic structures of our star. CUSP is a project in the framework of the Alcor Program of the Italian Space Agency aimed to develop new CubeSat missions. It is approved for a Phase B study. In this work, we report on the accurate simulation of the detector’s response to evaluate the scientific performance. A GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation is used to assess the physical interactions of the source photons with the detector and the passive materials. Using this approach, we implemented a detailed CUSP Mass Model. In this work, we report on the evaluation of the detector’s effective area as a function of the beam energy.

CUSP, X-ray polarimetry, solar flares, space weather, Geant4, CubeSat


The CUbesat Solar Polarimeter (CUSP) project [1, 2] aims to measure the linear polarisation of solar flares in the hard X-ray band by means of a Compton scattering polarimeter on board of a constellation of two CubeSats. CUSP is going to start the Phase B in 2024 funded by the Alcor program of the Italian Space Agency. INAF-IAPS is Prime and scientific Principal investigator of the project. In this work we introduce the GEANT4 [3] C++ simulation code of the polarimeter’s response under development. The first parameter under assessment is a precise estimation of the detector’s effective area. The same code will be an essential tool for a deeper estimation of the CUSP scientific performance, based on the estimation of the modulation factor, the spurious modulation and the instrument background. Moreover, it will support the development and test of the data analysis software.


A GEANT4 Monte Carlo framework is used to assess the physical interactions of the hard X-ray photons with the detector and the passive materials. Using this approach, we implemented a detailed CUSP Mass Model. It is derived from a simplified CAD model converted into a GDML model, then directly loaded in the GEANT4 simulation framework. framework. The CAD, and thus the GDML discussed in this work, is the one assessed in 4 . CUSP (Fig. 1) is a dual-phase Compton diffusion polarimeter. The incident X-rays are scattered by plastic scintillator and absorbed by crystals of inorganic scintillator (GAGG, gadolinium aluminum gallium garnet).

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Figure 1: Scheme of CUSP X-ray polarimeter. Left panel: Cut side view. Right panel: top view.
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Figure 2: The GEANT4 GUI of the simulation of a parallel beam impinging on the CUSP polarimeter. The 60 keV photons of the simulated source are visualized as green lines.

The Monte Carlo simulation can be launched in interactive or in batch mode. The interactive mode (fig. 2) is used to visualize the mass model in detail and trace the physical interaction of photons with the materials. This enables us to debug and test the code. In batch mode, it is possible to generate a large simulation and obtain as an output a file of events, ready to be analyzed. This file associates each photon from the beam with the list of the sensitive volumes impacted by an energy deposit.


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Figure 3: Spectrum of the energy deposits for the one scatterer and one absorber coincident events.

When an X-ray photon is detected by the polarimeter, the Compton energy deposits can occur in one or more scintillating bars. Polarimetric measurements require the coincident measurement in one or two scatterer bars plus a an absorber. Also a measurement of a coincidence in two scatterers is suitable to measure an azimuthal scattering angle. Figure 3 shows the simulated spectrum of energy deposits in the scatterers, in the absorbers, and the sum of the two energy deposits for a mono-energetic beam at 25 keV producing 1-scatterer/1- absorber coincidences. Left panel of Figure 4 shows the estimate of the effective area for different families of coincidences. Coincidences between a scatterer and an absorber (blue curve) are the larger contribution to the effective area. Right panel compares the ideal case (blue line) and by applying the so called tagging efficiency (orange line) that accounts for the probability to detect a faint light signal in the scatterer once the signal in the absorber was detected. The estimation of the tagging efficiency is from [5] for a similar (but not the same) set-up of plastic bar coupled to a photo-multiplier tube.

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Figure 4: Left panel: CUSP effective area versus energy for different families of events. Scat.-Abs: one energy deposits in the scatterer and one energy deposits in the absorber. Scat. x2-Abs: two energy deposits in the scatterer, one energy deposit in the absorber. Scat. x2: two energy deposits in the scatterer. Scat. x3: three energy deposits in the scatterer. Right panel: CUSP effective area as a function of energy, corrected by tag efficiency (orange line).


With the aim of obtaining an accurate evaluation of the scientific performance of CUSP, we developed a Monte Carlo code based on GEANT4, starting from a detailed mass model of the instrument. The same code will be used to evaluate the polarimetric response of the instrument and will also be a useful tool for calibrations and the development of data analysis software. As a first result, the estimation of effective areas for different event definitions has been shown in this work.


  • [1] Fabiani, S., Baffo, I., Bonomo, S., Contini, G., Costa, E., Cucinella, G., De Cesare, G., Del Monte, E., Del Re, A., Di Cosimo, S., Di Filippo, S., Di Marco, A., Fanelli, P., La Monaca, F., Locarini, A., Loffredo, P., Lombardi, G., Minervini, G., Modenini, D., Muleri, F., Negri, A., Perelli, M., Rankin, J., Rubini, A., Soffitta, P., Strollo, E., Tortora, P., and Zambardi, A., “CUSP: a two CubeSats constellation for space weather and solar flares x-ray polarimetry,” in [Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray ], den Herder, J.-W. A., Nikzad, S., and Nakazawa, K., eds., Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series 12181 (Aug. 2022).
  • [2] Fabiani, S., Del Monte, E., Ilaria, B., Sergio, B., Daniele, B., Riccardo, C., Centrone, M., et al., “The cubesat solar polarimeter (cusp) mission overview,” in [Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray ], 13093, SPIE (2024).
  • [3] Agostinelli, S. et al., “GEANT4: A simulation toolkit,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A506, 250–303 (2003).
  • [4] Lombardi, G., Fabiani, S., Del Monte, E., Costa, E., Soffitta, P., Muleri, F., Baffo, I., Bonomo, S., Contini, G., Cucinella, G., De Cesare, G., Del Re, A., Di Cosimo, S., Di Filippo, S., Di Marco, A., Fanelli, P., La Monaca, F., Locarini, A., Loffredo, P., Minervini, G., Modenini, D., Negri, A., Perelli, M., Rankin, J., Rubini, A., Strollo, E., Tortora, P., and Zambardi, A., “The payload thermo-mechanical design of the cubesat solar polarimeter (cusp), for space weather and solar flares x-ray polarimetry,” in [Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray ], 13093, SPIE (2024).
  • [5] Fabiani, S., Campana, R., Costa, E., Del Monte, E., Muleri, F., Rubini, A., and Soffitta, P., “Characterization of scatterers for an active focal plane Compton polarimeter,” Astroparticle Physics 44, 91–101 (Apr. 2013).
Activity funded by ASI phase A contract 2022-4-R.0.