When a proposal goes to beta, there are some minimum activity requirements. In specific,

  • 10 questions per day on average
  • 90% answered is a healthy beta
  • 150 users with 200+ rep
  • 2.5 answers per question is good
  • 1,500 visits per day is good

Are you aware of any published research on those numbers? Or an official post how they came with them?

1 Answer 1


Those metrics were just fabricated when Area 51 was created. They may have been tweaked over the early years of Area 51, but have not been messed with in a long time. There was no research that could be done or looked into on community Q&A creation at the time because it didn't really exist yet. They may have been based on the stats of the SOFU sites that already existed at the time, but are otherwise just generic invented numbers, as are the requirements for the definition and commitment phases of the site creation process.

At one point, Grace Note did a deep dive into evaluating numbers of successful sites on the network to determine if any of these metrics were actually good measures. That wasn't so much a research project more than just comparing the sites to get an idea if any of the criteria mattered. The base conclusion was that only the 10 questions per day metric mattered for detecting viable candidates for graduation.

Today, we don't really pay attention to those numbers when evaluating sites anymore. You can see the criteria we most recently used for sites leaving public beta in this announcement: Congratulations to the 59 sites that just left Beta - That used the "answered" stat as one criteria, but lowered to 70% from the suggestions of 90% and 80% in the text here. Because even some of our highest traffic sites do not maintain those thresholds. Before that, we graduated all sites that were 7 years old with no additional criteria.

  • 3
    The threshold for excellent questions per day was originally 15, then was lowered to 10 when the new graduation system was introduced in 2015. Commented Jul 19, 2022 at 13:33
  • 1
    Thanks a lot for your answer. I was thinking StackExchange for Teams and how many active users supposed to be enough for a valuable community. Maybe there was something behind the numbers that could help. But as you said, those are pretty "random"
    – Tasos
    Commented Jul 19, 2022 at 19:53

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